I do not specifically make structures that are on skids, as much as I jack structures up, put skids under them and move them.
Few people realize how light a building really is. A few jacks can jack up an entire building with ease, and once on skids they are actually easier to slide then first thought. I routinely move buildings with a subcompact
In total I have moved (5) buildings and have 2 more planned for this fall. Moving buildings saves so much money because even if they require work, the framing, roof and whatnot is in place and that can save significantly. A key indicator on whether a building is worth saving or not, is to look at the roofline. A building with a straight roofline can be economically saved through renovation, but a building with a sagging roof line may require more work then starting with a new building.
Now that being said, there is nothing wrong with building things on skidding structures. I love the wheel and axle as much as the next person, however being able to take massive loads is another thing altogether. Skids built out of logs is really easy. Back in the old days they were called Drays and have moved tons of