Jay Angler wrote:I'm reading a PDF about edible houseplants, and the author is wrote this:
Studies in China report that certain silkworms will eat not only mulberry but other leaves, and the silkworms themselves grow rapidly, taste good, and are very high (± 60%) in protein. The human-essential amino acid content in silkworms is two times higher than in pork and four times than in egg and milk.
I'd definitely need to do research as to the "certain" silkworms referred to, as growing enough mulberry to make this a practical option, would be difficult. I wonder if one could freeze the leaves for later ingestion?
Thekla McDaniels wrote:
Or if we REALLY wanted to have more cards, we could make a tarot deck… adds 26 more cards!
I’m getting excited to see these new cards. Great solstice gifts.
Andrés Bernal wrote:Paul's favorite, cause pie... you know.. Purple!!