Deedee Dezso

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since Jan 27, 2020
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My mother was raised in the country by those who had been farmers. She moved to the big city (LA), and had a daughter who wants to move back to the country, and farm. She couldn't understand that!
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WV- up in the hills
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Recent posts by Deedee Dezso

I'd like to propose creating a bumper sticker to promote!

It can even be a back window sticker for better visibility!

I'd be willing to pay some real coin to put one on my bumper or back window!  I've looked around a bit and don't see anything of the sort being offered.

Is this something that has been discussed?

1 month ago

Jay Angler wrote:I'm reading a PDF about edible houseplants, and the author is wrote this:

Studies in China report that certain silkworms will eat not only mulberry but other leaves, and the silkworms themselves grow rapidly, taste good, and are very high (± 60%) in protein. The human-essential amino acid content in silkworms is two times higher than in pork and four times than in egg and milk.  

I'd definitely need to do research as to the "certain" silkworms referred to, as growing enough mulberry to make this a practical option, would be difficult. I wonder if one could freeze the leaves for later ingestion?


I think those frozen leaves would be mush upon thawing. Id suggest you plant a few trees a few years ahead of starting silk worms, unless you already have them growing!  I've got trees I need to remove before I can plant mulberry primarily because I have power lines over my prime space, and the next best location is where trees have been allowed to grow as the sprout!
2 months ago

Thekla McDaniels wrote:

Or if we REALLY wanted to have more cards, we could make a tarot deck… adds 26 more cards!

I’m getting excited to see these new cards.  Great solstice gifts.

I'd definitely be all over a tarot deck, but I'm not sure how one goes about creating a permaculture tarot! Something to think about!  

I am excited to see this new deck.
2 months ago
Don't sell the deck short! 54 cards with the pair of jokers!  That means 2 more subjects!
2 months ago

Andrés Bernal wrote:Paul's favorite, cause pie... you know.. Purple!!

Purple is my favorite color, so I'm with Paul.

Will they have different information from the first concept? My daughter can't find my deck that I sent ahead of our arrival.

3 months ago
I think pie to be a perfect food group.
3 months ago
We now have 10 ducklings of unknown breed, living indoors with my daughter.  They will need shelter and small pond. So I'm going to follow several threads in the forum.
3 months ago
I read the article @ the link. How disappointing to learn that comfrey is not what it's touted to be. How can so many have been so ignorant that this is the first I've heard that it doesn't work the way so many have described?

Fortunately,  there does still remain the mass it produces,  and the medicinal properties it carries.  So I'll have to revisit whether it makes for good animal feed.

4 months ago
I hope to have a greenhouse someday with a rocket mass heater running either down the center or on one side, using the mass as a heated shelf for potted plants and seed starts in addition to heating the space on the coldest days/nights here in Western West Virginia.

I also hope it can be big enough to host a lemon and/or tangerine.
4 months ago