May I suggest additional practical skills that might combine with other badges?
The ideas posted are good but very much like Scouting badges, they are a start but not the essence or Point I believe in what Paul is suggesting to the reader. For example; a Boy Scout in the Citizenship in the Nation merit badge requires the scout to write a letter to a member of congress and report. The essence of getting the skill isn't about writing a letter but getting the user to engage with public officials and engage in political constituency discourse.
It seems like the essence of badges is lost when broken down to only given tasks in the merit category.
For example;
For animal care, the creation of a
chicken coop or a
chicken run has a lot more practical skill than many of the above items. A person acquiring this skill has to work with multiple tools (saws, drill gun, hammers, staplers,
wood working, welded wire cutting / tin snips, hinges, etc.). This is like the pinnacle of woodworking projects.