Rebekah Harmon

Apprentice Rocket Scientist
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since May 15, 2021
Merit badge: bb list bbv list
Cute 'Lil mama who lives Healthy, Green, and Brave with 6 kids, in the middle-of-nowhere, Idaho backcountry.
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Recent posts by Rebekah Harmon

I've struggled to take pictures of breakfasts I make, since i have a group that heads out earlier and a group that goes out later. So Ive decided to take a picture of both groups. This meal is 2 slices each of  French toast, made from homade bread, my duck eggs, a splash or milk and cinamon (the only two bits of non local food). We ate them with applesauce and cherry syrup that I canned this year. 6 meals

The second meal is another one of my lovely home raised chickens. Plus a pan of local spuds. A whole roast chicken: 1500 calories,  8 roasted potatoes: 1500, and half a cup of peas each: 472. About 7 meals.

The last meal here is my classic way to use chicken broth the next day: chicken noodles soup. A gallon of this soup is 1800 calories, as previously stated. 3 meals.

16 meals this post.
I can't believe I'm saying this. *whew* I'm writing a book. Ever since I told Paul Wheaton that the best way to promote permaculture is to edu-tain, (educate while entertaining) The story of how Gert came to be has been coming to life in my head. Her family members and newbie permaculture experiences keep popping up in my dreams. I think there comes a point for every storyteller when they can't ignore their fantasies anymore. They must give birth to them.
SO. Despite all the crazies in my life, here it goes. I have undertaken a 30-day challenge to write the rough draft! By February 17th, I should have this large milestone finished.
Am I crazy??!  Maybe so! Follow this thread to see if I can make magic happen.
Yaaaaaa Hoooooo, Alex!! Way to go!!
1 day ago
We are about to experience a cold snap. Temperatures are not expected to rise above freezing for a couple weeks. To care for my animals, I'm giving them an extra portion of straw bedding to help them stay warm enough.
1 day ago
Horsetail grows near me in two varieties. Here is one, also called scourbrush.
Hey BIG DAY! I earned my 300th bb today!!
Guys!! I was able to butcher a sheep today!! 😃 my friend, Landon had 6 to butcher and I helped him do "mine" (his sheep that I slaughtered and cleaned that counts for the bb) plus more.

Landon butchered one at the same time and showed me what to do as we went along. We used my Taurus 9mm to dispatch them while they fed. Two bullets to the head. In a second it was done.

Then we hung them by their back tendons on this handy little stand. I skinned my sheep and then removed the internal organs.

The sheep will be hung for aging before final butchering.
2 weeks ago
I made an echinacea infusion today. I drank some. And I'm using the rest to dye fabric :)
2 weeks ago