Rebekah Harmon

Apprentice Rocket Scientist
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since May 15, 2021
Merit badge: bb list bbv list
Cute 'Lil mama who lives Healthy, Green, and Brave with 6 kids, in the middle-of-nowhere, Idaho backcountry.
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Recent posts by Rebekah Harmon

Horsetail grows near me in two varieties. Here is one, also called scourbrush.
Hey BIG DAY! I earned my 300th bb today!!
Guys!! I was able to butcher a sheep today!! 😃 my friend, Landon had 6 to butcher and I helped him do "mine" (his sheep that I slaughtered and cleaned that counts for the bb) plus more.

Landon butchered one at the same time and showed me what to do as we went along. We used my Taurus 9mm to dispatch them while they fed. Two bullets to the head. In a second it was done.

Then we hung them by their back tendons on this handy little stand. I skinned my sheep and then removed the internal organs.

The sheep will be hung for aging before final butchering.
1 week ago
I made an echinacea infusion today. I drank some. And I'm using the rest to dye fabric :)
Hello, permies staff! I believe I have finished all the bbs necessary for this badge. Thanks for looking it over!

Tiny list of 6:
1. Flush a water heater:
2. Unclog a drain:
3. Decalcify a shower head:
4. Decalcify a faucet aerator:
5. Install a bidet:
6. collect water and filter it:

1 big one:
the two-fer plumbing and electricity bb: install a solar water pump:
1 week ago
5 meals here:
1. Yogurt loaded with a fruit medley of apples and apricots and topped with flaxseeds
2. Mixed foraged greens with herbs and pickled veggies on top.
3. Elk steaks, potatoes and gravy, and summer squash.
4. Left over squash and fried milkweed seeds pods
5. Corn chowder, made from local potatoes, ham, and goat milk. Plus homeade bread.
7 meals here.
1. Goat milk yogurt, filled with my dried currants, apricots, elm samaras, and honey. Completely homegrown
2. Rabbit taco salad with tomatoes, peppers, Cucumbers, beans and foraged greens all from my property,
3. Tiny toad-in-a-hole toasts with quail eggs, sauerk
Kraut and fried oyster mushrooms.
4. Stir fried foraged greens with pickled eggs diced on top.
5. Hashbrowns of red potatoes and beets I grew plus pickled red onions and eggs.
6.  Pea shoot salad with homeade pickles and smoked trout
7. I made pasta with homeade pesto that featured black walnuts instead of pine nuts, baby tomatoes, summer squash and chicken. The noodles are Azure noodles.