Please move this if this is the wrong forum.
I am trying to create a bear-proof area in which to grow bear delicacies. They are not a critter I wish to attract to my property. If they can get food even once off my property, I become a place where they wish to visit.
I have created an area completely surrounded by
cattle panels that I used to keep a buck goat in. I am thinking that I will switch out the tarp on it now with clear plastic and change it into a
greenhouse. But I have not solved the problem of how to keep bear from using the human entrance to get into the area. I have not been able to find metal gates tall
enough for humans.
I plan to grow blackberries and blueberries in the area. These are gourmet delicacies to bears. So whatever I make has to be 100% effective against bears.
Another issue is that I have attached the cattle panels to the structure via 1/2" pipe holders. These are more than adequate to hold it against my weather or goats, but I need a more secure method to hold it against bears.
Any suggestions would be appreciated. I hope to have everything in place before September/October. So that it will be ready in the spring.