Christopher Shepherd wrote:If it has alfalfa in it already the new seed will not germinate well. We usually will grow corn, then sorghum and then back to alfalfa. I would check the ph and adjust if needed. Alfalfa seems to like a higher ph. After mowing hay 2 weeks ago the dry ground only let the alfalfa come back with its deep roots. We do get some winters here that it will pull the alfalfa out of the ground with freeze and thaw and kill it, so we leave it long in the fall.
location is SE missouri. I drilled vernal alfalfa this spring after burning. I was hoping it would establish before the broad leaves got ahead of it, but no luck. I think I will try justmowins it a few tims this summer and see what happens. At worst it
should knock back the weeds and favor the grass getting hold. I'm thinking to lay t down with a sickle bar and let it be. the alfalfa is there and still short, hopefully the weeds will dry out before they smother the alfalfa....thoughts?