My books, movies, videos, podcasts, events ... the big collection of paul wheaton stuff!
H Ludi Tyler wrote:
Personally I don't see unbridled greed and ambition being compatible with the ethics and principles upon which permaculture is based. But since we're not supposed to talk about the ethics here on the board - it's understood that as permaculturists we naturally accept and adhere to them - we can't really have this discussion. So I expect this will disappear.
My books, movies, videos, podcasts, events ... the big collection of paul wheaton stuff!
My books, movies, videos, podcasts, events ... the big collection of paul wheaton stuff!
My books, movies, videos, podcasts, events ... the big collection of paul wheaton stuff!
My books, movies, videos, podcasts, events ... the big collection of paul wheaton stuff!
My books, movies, videos, podcasts, events ... the big collection of paul wheaton stuff!
It's time to get positive about negative thinking -Art Donnelly
Wikipedia says that greed is "excessive desire to possess wealth, goods, or abstract things of value with the intention to keep it for one's self."
My books, movies, videos, podcasts, events ... the big collection of paul wheaton stuff!
Jack Spirko,
The Survival Podcast
paul wheaton wrote:
Had a thought.
My experience is that when people point at me and say "greedy" what they are really saying is that they want something that I have. More specifically, they want me to give them what I have. For free. Their behavior is nasty and they place a sort of obligation on me by using the magic word "greedy".
This is inappropriate behavior. Combined with the desire to have stuff. One could even label it greedy. But I really don't want to call anyone greedy, because that would then make me fall into the same trap. So then I thought that I would like a new word. "Greedmonger" was the first thing that popped into my head. But then a far better word ....
Jack Spirko,
The Survival Podcast
I suspect they would use it as a greenwashing catchword much like the folks who sell free range supermarket eggs.Phil H wrote:
Here's a different way of thinking about it. Let's imagine the "worst" example of greed and ambition
The key thing here is whether they'd use permaculture, or abuse it (as has been done with organic). What this really boils down to is whether it truly is more profitable.
Call me George.
Call me George.
Our inability to change everything should not stop us from changing what we can.
AHHH . A podcast based on this,the best thread on the whole interweb.What a genius idea. Paul is truly a great man. I thought nobody cared.Suzy Bean wrote:
Paul and Jocelyn talk about "greed" in this podcast:
It is in response to this thread.
It's time to get positive about negative thinking -Art Donnelly
Our inability to change everything should not stop us from changing what we can.
I thought you said "pie." This is just a tiny ad
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