Creeky, Interesting idea. I have plans to start some sort of
aquaculture system in a greenhouse sometime in the next year, and had wondered how to maintain winter temps for both the plants and fish. I didn't note as to whether you plan on using floating mats over a deep tank or a gravel bed with fill/drain or continuous trickle system. But here may be a couple of thought to ponder. (and if anyone sees flaws in my thought process, please speak up) As Kent and a couple others mentioned you could run the exhaust from the RMH under/around the tank, which could be made out of block or cob with a waterproof liner. This would be the probably option if using floating mats. OR if you go the gravel bed route, you could run the exhaust around the tank or build the regular RMH with an oversized bed/couch with the minor modification of incorporating a small
raised bed on top of the couch, you'd need a waterproof liner for the gravel bed and a few plumbing modifications to the couch design. The mass would continuously radiate the heat up to the
roots of the plants, the water surrounding the roots would recycle back to the fish tank and both of those masses would warm the surrounding air keeping the room warm. This thing looks good in my brain, can anyone see where it wouldn't work?
Sorry for the length of this post.