Aromatic and medicinal herbs. And making stuff from it. Communicating with animals and plants. Stubbornly living by my own rules. Well, most of the time.
Aromatic and medicinal herbs. And making stuff from it. Communicating with animals and plants. Stubbornly living by my own rules. Well, most of the time.
Creating edible biodiversity and embracing everlasting abundance.
Aromatic and medicinal herbs. And making stuff from it. Communicating with animals and plants. Stubbornly living by my own rules. Well, most of the time.
Creating edible biodiversity and embracing everlasting abundance.
Aromatic and medicinal herbs. And making stuff from it. Communicating with animals and plants. Stubbornly living by my own rules. Well, most of the time.
Hugo Morvan wrote:Ha great Mare! I hope you win the book.
He speaks of those seed mixes. And i totally understand you want to keep local races seperate to respect them. But as well you can mix the pollen in, in the years you save the landrace seeds. That will speed things up if i understand correctly.
But then in the years you go for saving the localized race you can’t have the other pollen pollute it.
It’s so interesting this landrace business. I’m obsessed. Will stop polluting your blog now with my obsession haha. And look forward to new pictures and comments.
Aromatic and medicinal herbs. And making stuff from it. Communicating with animals and plants. Stubbornly living by my own rules. Well, most of the time.
Aromatic and medicinal herbs. And making stuff from it. Communicating with animals and plants. Stubbornly living by my own rules. Well, most of the time.
Creating edible biodiversity and embracing everlasting abundance.
Creating edible biodiversity and embracing everlasting abundance.
Hugo Morvan wrote:Hi Mare. I came across this topic and thought it might be interesting for your situation.
Aromatic and medicinal herbs. And making stuff from it. Communicating with animals and plants. Stubbornly living by my own rules. Well, most of the time.
Aromatic and medicinal herbs. And making stuff from it. Communicating with animals and plants. Stubbornly living by my own rules. Well, most of the time.
Visit Redhawk's soil series:
How works:
Aromatic and medicinal herbs. And making stuff from it. Communicating with animals and plants. Stubbornly living by my own rules. Well, most of the time.
Jay Angler wrote:I have some Seabuckthorn growing. It tolerates pruning and is a nitrogen fixer, so it could be helpful as a salt-tolerant wind-break that might help you build soil. The improved fruiting varieties are supposed to be very nutritious, but I only just got a pair of females this year to give my male company - yes it's one of those plants who only produce flowers of a single sex, so if you want fruit, you need to make sure you've got both.
Aromatic and medicinal herbs. And making stuff from it. Communicating with animals and plants. Stubbornly living by my own rules. Well, most of the time.
Visit Redhawk's soil series:
How works:
Aromatic and medicinal herbs. And making stuff from it. Communicating with animals and plants. Stubbornly living by my own rules. Well, most of the time.
I will guess I will get nothing! In our 2 hottest months, we're lucky to get 22.4 C as the Max daily temp. I saw the "cool weather crop" and thought I had a chance. If they look happy in the spring, I may break down and put some row cover over them to boost the temp a little as much as I try to stay away from it.- optimum temps in later vegetative phase is 20 – 24 °C, for flowering around 25 °C.
Visit Redhawk's soil series:
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I will suppress my every urge. But not this shameless plug:
heat your home with yard waste and cardboard