Hans Quistorff

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since Feb 25, 2012
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I have home movie proof that I started in agriculture at age 3 1943.
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Longbranch, WA Mild wet winter dry climate change now hot summer
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As long as this got resurrected I will add a current experience.  Some soil organisms in my soil, if they do not get enough sugar exudates from plant roots attach to the potato tuber skins damaging the smooth protective surface for storage and use.  As I covered in a different thread about potatoes: they develop the best tubers in loose inorganic substrate like sand but without soil that has lots of nutrients and water holding capacity they can't get very big.  
To get  an early crop last winter I placed a center ring from a plastic barrel on top of a shallow wicking bed of rich compost soil and filled it with sandy soil with the seed tubers just above the compost soil.  most of the watering was from the tube under the compost soil which has a water barrier under it.  The sandy soil has lambs quarters and other greens seeds in it so they came up and were harvested until the potatoes shaded them out and the soil was too dry for seeds to sprout.  I got  a harvest of very clean potatoes and preparing to do it again I discovered some small tubers lost in the sand hibernating in the dry conditions  for this years seed.
1 day ago

Clear as mud ? 😉

 only if you wet it down too much.
If I understand it, you are creating a stable layer to hold the things that go under the floor and hold the floor stable above them.
"wondering what the heck screeding is " " the smoothing of any pliable material into a flat, smooth, and level layer." for those who do not know.
I seriously recommend tying the cross poles to the uprights with wire.  screws are brittle and snap at the threads when flexed between round wood.
I use cultured cream with avocado. banana, and fruit to make a smoothy.  Skim milk gives those with metabolic syndrome a surge of sugar in the form of lactose without the balancing fat. Excess sugar has to be processed into fat that is stored.  The excess insulin to store it prevents the body from burning the stored fat so the liver makes more glucose in response to the perceived lack of fuel.  If there is a lack of bile taking bile salts can help.    a good probiotic can also make additional bile salts.
1 week ago
I like to use carpet over mulch to protect the soil life coming up to break it down. So worn out wool carpet would allow any precipitation to be held and if it gets overgrown because it is not taken up and reinstalled, it will eventually break down itself.
1 week ago
Situation: I am 84, started gardening at 3, moved to a homestead when 4, 10 years of 4-H projects, operated goat dairy integrated with garden produce and oyster farming, developed property in northern California Sacramento valley. 9 years in northern Maine, then family properties on the Key Peninsula.  Currently on 5 acres divided into 2 parcels.   Aria is zoned for 5 acres but division is grandfathered in.   Sold adjoining 5 acres to a couple that were going to homestead it but had a family failure.  It has been resoled a few times and probably available from land speculator.   Has power, water and probably septic design.  Suitable for underground housing.  You would have access to my mentorship and use of my 2.5 acre field.

What I am offering:  To sell on contract 2.5 acre parcel Suitable for underground housing on part furthest from road.  I could supply water from my well. Use of underground barn on property line, stored fencing and tools.

What I am asking:    I would need at least $500 per month to make up for social security shortfall.  Assistance with permaculture projects and maintenance.   Individual or couple willing to stick to it with the option to inherit the whole property if I die before completion of the contract.

What the community has to offer:  Best described by reading  the local newspaper rated as best in the state.    Markets for your produce to wealthy people on the waterfront like I did during my 4-H days.  The peninsula is only a few miles wide and 20 miles long so close employment opportunities are limited but skilled self employed  providers are in demand.
Do it !   Will be an.exelent demonstration
1 week ago
So Rocket and Mass are to technical for the uninitiated and misses the topic of heating with wood.  so I suggest Wood Efficiency Heater fallowed by my tag line: Burn the wood, burn the smoke: heat the burner, heat the mass, heat the home.
2 weeks ago

Thom Bri wrote:

John F Dean wrote:The standard advice out there is to paraphrase….this is coming from well placed people in audiology circles. Indeed, the Illinois Department of Human Services recommends using different words if the first message is not understood.  I always taught my staff to use the same words at least 2 more times.  After that, try different words.

I am familiar with this advice, and think it is dead wrong. Often the problem is one word. If I can get that one word I understand the whole sentence. If you say something different I am starting all over again.

Ask before you jump to a conclusion.   Often it is the first word which may be the subject word.  not knowing the subject often makes a question or request unanswerable.
2 weeks ago
I see it as double burn triple heat. Burn the wood, burn the smoke: heat the burner, heat the mass, heat the home.
2 weeks ago