Geoff Lawaton 313: So, Jessica.
Jessica Jones: Hey, who are you and how do you know my name?
Geoff Lawton: Well we watched your show, we're big fans.
Paul Wheaton: To be accurate, we didn't actually watch ALL of Season One.
Geoff: True, ma'am, most of us got scared after the first episode or so, we're all feeling kind of traumatized still, but we're fans all the same.
Paul: YOU didn't get through the first episode, I kept watching for like 8 episodes being like, When is she gonna just kick this guy's ass? and you were busy checking your email.
Fukuoka: What they mean to say is, We really appreciate what your'e trying to do here--
Jessica: Well, I don't exactly appreciate what YOU"RE trying to do here, which I don't understand yet either, how am I supposed to feel about a bunch of men showing up in my apartment in the middle of the night?
Manasobu: Uh, that's a very good point, but, I guess, it's always the middle of the night in your show.
Geoff: And you're never up in the daytime either.
Paul: And we just beamed into your apartment because you never
answer your phone.
Jessica: OK, that makes it not creepy then.
Masanobu: It's true, even in the 41st century we can sometime be blind to our impact, and need to be more cognizant of representation in our field, old habits of thought die hard. But a lot has changed in the last 2,000 years.
Jessica: Wait, you're saying you'r from the year 4,000? OK, loony toons, definitely not a lot of advances in people skills. I really need a drink.
Masanobu: Yeah, that drinking really uncomfortable about that, uh, look we can come back later, we just wanted to talk to you about some other possible ways of resolving conflicts in your
city and taking care of yourself.
Jessica: I'm fine. I don't need any help.
Gardening. We wanted to talk to you about
sustainable gardening.
Toby Hemenway: The urban setting is actually quite a rich opportunity for many kinds of edge effects, and is close enough to periurban zones which should be producing the main food supply.
Paul: Look, Jessica, veterans of war often find that gardening can help them process and heal from post-conflict anxiety and even reduce physical health systems. Though, to be clear, we are NOT doctors, right folks? and this is not intended to diagnose, treat, blah blah blah any condition.
Jessica: OK, that's nice, get out of my apartment. I still have a villain with super-powers to track down and kill, you've "beamed into" the a really bad time here, try me in season 2 if I survive that long but now is definitely not the time.
Paul: Look, I get it. You don't need help. No one here is saying, You need help, which is really condescending double-speak for "you're making us feel uncomfortable and we need you to take it down a notch." I definitely approve of your notch, all the way. But we are saying you've been through a lot of shit, and we think you could be a really powerful proactive force for change, and we want to help you have the best information possible.
That's all, and really we're asking for YOUR help more than anything. We're big fans of your show and detective work like you do and some muscle can make a shitty situation a lot less shitty. If you want to get in touch with us, just leave a note in a box buried somewhere and we'll swing back in time sometime to read it, okay? Otherweise we'll get out of your, er, office, looks an awful lot like my office actually.
Jessica; Hey, aren't you that guy with the website? the obnoxious guy, Paul, Paul Weed or something?
Paul: Yes I am, you've heard of me??
Jessica: No, I just googled you while you were blabbering, I know where you live and now I have insurance if you ever try to
fuck with me.
Paul: Well, that's actually my great great great etc. grandfather, I'm from the 41st century, oh forget it, it'd be less of a waste of time to talk to Killgrave.
Jessica; But if I kill him, you'll never have been born.
Paul: You're not a killer. And I'm not actually bad guy. I'm just obnoxious. It's been a pleasure, let's talk another time when things are more settled around NYC, tell people about my great great grandfather's
Patreon site and the upcoming PDC.
Geoff: Killgrave?
Killgrave: You are going to lay down any weapons you may be carrying and place your hands against the wall.
Geoff: Sorry, that, ah, mind control, not going to work with us, we're from the future. Anyway, how are you today, sir?
Killgrave: Quite fine thank you. How do you know my name?
Geoff: We watch the show.
Masanobu: …part of it…
Killgrave: Jessica Jones. She gets the title, I'm just the villain. Why isn't there a show called "Killgrave," huh?
Paul: Well, it's a pretty stupid name.
Geoff: Look, everyone thinks you're a real creep, there's no possibility of redemption, but we in the future realize that everyone is valuable and important part of the picture. As my great great great etc. grandfather used to say, "The problem is the solution"
Killgrave: Did you just Kyrbizskian general semantics me?
Paul: And the problem, sir, is you.
Geoff: it's not so much Kyrzibskian general semantics as that in the future we've run out of names, so we have to use a number too. I'm Geoff Lawton 313, that's Paul Wheaton the 432nd, that's
Toby Hemenway the 309th, etc.
Killgrave: Me? the problem? you're referring to my attempts to win back the affection of Jessica Jones, aren't you? well, it seems someone isn't as immune to mind control as they claim, that bitch is spreading lies about me.
Toby: Let me put it to you this way: just stop.
Paul: OK, that kind of attitude is NOT getting you laid.
Masanobu: if you want to win a girl's heart back the way to do it is not through mind control.
Paul: Or, complaining about her dislike of your mind control for that matter.
Masanobu: It's through gardening. And the way to garden is to do nothing.
Killgrave: What the…fuck are you smoking? gardening? me? wow, I just had a flash of London there for a sec, I'm feeling kind of nostalgic all of a sudden.
Geoff: This is not a quick fix, but you have an opportunity to make a difference.
Paul: OR, you could use your powers to infect hearts and minds.
Everyone, including Killgrave: PAUL!!? wtf?
Paul: Come on, you were all thinking it, I'm the asshole, I'm a terrible person, but you were ALL thinking it and I had the nuts to say it out loud. I have often said quite publicly, I have no shame, I am a terrible person. But weren't you all thinking the exact same thing, armies of New Yorkers suddenly acquiring copies of Permacutlure One and reclaiming paved areas and rooftops for food production and cleaning the air.
Toby: And New Jerseyites…?
Geoff: Well, we're not here to intervene on a massive scale, Paul. We are only making slight interventions. Where's
Sepp Holzer, anyway?
Sepp Holzer 514th (gesturing frustratedly):
Was ist los? Es tut mir leid, dass ich zu spät gekommen bin, hatte einen weiteren Streit mit der österreichischen Regierung, ich dachte, wir hätten es vor 2000 Jahren erledigt, aber guter Gott, diese Leute sind dumm!
Paul: What'd he say?
Masanobu: Come on, you still don't speak German? he's late because the Austrian bureaucrats are dumb-asses who should have buggered off 2,000 years ago.
Wir versuchen, diesen Nazi davon zu überzeugen, seine Kräfte für immer einzusetzen.
Sepp: Er braucht ein wenig überzeugender?
Masanobu: Wir verwenden keine Bedrohungen, sondern bieten nur Informationen an.
Sepp: Google Translate ist ein bisschen unkonventionell, aber ich denke, du sagst ihm jetzt nicht das Gesicht.*
Masanobu: *We're trying to convince this nazi here to use his powers for good.
"He needs a little more convincing?"
"We're not using threats, just offering information."
"Google translate is a little funky, but I think you're saying not to punch him the face for now."
If you want me to clarify the translation, I am happy to do so.
Paul: No, no, no, we don't need to resort to violence. Look, Killgrave, I get it, you had a horrible childhood, you feel nothing can ever repair that, but we're not kidding when we say all of life's problems can be solved in a garden. It's the only thing that gives any of us any solace. And as long as you're in this
concrete jungle without a single square inch of soil around you, trying to plot ways to control and destroy other people, you're not doing yourself any favors. I think you're going to influence people no matter what, I'm here to try to persuade you to influence them for the good. For yourSELF and for others.
Geoff: I'm not comfortable with your encouraging him to use his powers, that is anti-permaculture. The ethics are not about manipulation.
Paul: Ixne on the ethicsne.
Geoff: That's not right, that's not how you say that in pig Latin.
Paul: Maybe in Australian pig Latin, you know what I meant.
Geoff: Australian pigs speak the same language as your pigs.
Paul: Where'd he go?
Toby: He's gone. There's no dramatic tension if you don't have a final fight scene, so I'm not so hopeful about this, but you tried Paul.
Paul: Look, we don't know how his powers work, we don't know what good they can be put to, but we know that the problem is the solution, and no one can be a more powerful force for changing the kind of behaviors that Killgrave has perpetrated than a redeemed Killgrave. He's got our literature, he can contact us if he wants more info, our job here is done.
Toby: Good, this place is depressing, let's get out of here.