Dance if you can hear the music ...
Scott Sigurdson wrote:
When it comes time to plant the fruit trees (200/acre), again how deal with the hay so it does not compete, but helps support a healthy diversity? Should the planting rows be rototilled, or just dig individual holes and mulch heavily around them after planting, mowing the the rows in some kind of rotation to create mulch and allow air movement while retaining habitat.
For the rows that will be market garden, how would you approach the same questions, and also the question of removing the hay/cover crops when it is time put in vegetable crops. Torn between rototilling and laying down tarps or agrofabric to smother the vegetation beforehand, but very open to other suggestions
Dance if you can hear the music ...
Scott Sigurdson wrote:Thanks for the reply Pia, but that would amount to over 5km of mounds, the volume of material that would need to be trucked in for this make it prohibitive. At the moment this is an open field with nothing but hay on it.
Owner, Etta Place Cider
Dance if you can hear the music ...
Owner, Etta Place Cider
Dance if you can hear the music ...
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