"You must be the change you want to see in the world." "First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win." --Mahatma Gandhi
"Preach the Gospel always, and if necessary, use words." --Francis of Assisi.
"Family farms work when the whole family works the farm." -- Adam Klaus
R Scott wrote:It is the usual permie answer: IT DEPENDS!
Biggest expense will probably be foundation and roof--but they will be about the same for either. Solar and utilities will about be the same, too--lights are lights.
If you have soil onsite that works for either (and water!), the biggest cost difference is usually the bags and wire. It should only take one roll of wire for that small of a house, so that is $50 and the bags are free.
Earthbag is definitely EASIER. Which means FASTER. Which means CHEAPER if you are paying to live somewhere else now. Or need help. Cob is HARD WORK!!!
"You must be the change you want to see in the world." "First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win." --Mahatma Gandhi
"Preach the Gospel always, and if necessary, use words." --Francis of Assisi.
"Family farms work when the whole family works the farm." -- Adam Klaus
Kevin EarthSoul (real, legal name)
Omaha, NE
Kevin EarthSoul wrote:If you're going cheap, you may even find a source of free "urbanite" for your rubble trench. (Urbanite is code for "broken pieces of concrete produced by demolition")
However, based on the questions you're asking, it sounds to me like you have a lot more homework to do. It's worth it to invest in a couple of good books on earthen construction.
Here are a couple of books I have seen recommended previously:
Cob building: http://amzn.com/1890132349
Earthbag building: http://amzn.com/0865715076
I have the second book, and have read it, and it's highly detailed, although more tuned to a dry, desert climate. I have no personal experience in building an earthen home, but I have done a LOT of homework on the subject.
One thing that's easy to get sucked into as a beginner is overly focusing on the walls. Raising walls is probably the simplest part of earthen construction. It likely gets so much focus, because it's the part that is most likely to be done by the homeowner. But if you want a building that will be safe and will last a while, you need to pay at least equal attention to your foundation and stem-walls, as well as your bond-beam and roof (unless you're going to do a dome, which has separate challenges). Improper foundations can cause your walls to fail due to shifting or moisture wicking. Improper roofs can leak or break when the winds blow.
You mentioned your interest in harvesting rainwater for household use. That requires a potable roofing material over at least a part of the roof, and some decent filtration systems. You can reuse the same water several times, if you plan well.
You can relieve yourself of some issues if you consider going with a post and beam style of construction, with earthbag or cob in-fill. However, if you do that, you might change strategies to go with a straw-bale or light-clay in-fill, as those are more insulating. You already mentioned having a source of straw locally. Also, in the South, you have access to cheap insulation in the form of rice-hulls. In a warm, humid climate like the South, insulated walls are a better option than high-mass. You can help keep things cool by building a bit under grade, but beware of your water-table. Given the rainfall you get, you'll want nice, deep eaves. I would consider doing a home with a roof that comes down over a wrap-around porch. That can be screened in against bugs, and be a nice, shady place to stay cool, as well as keeping the sun off the walls. That type of model would really support a post-and-beam style, since you'll want to support the roof with posts on the outer perimeter of the porch. You could even build the roof first, and then raise walls underneath it, creating a shady, dry area to do all that labor.
Kevin EarthSoul (real, legal name)
Omaha, NE
Kevin EarthSoul wrote:One good clue is to look at the vernacular building in the area. In the South, porch-space was used extensively, and doors and windows were placed to enhance cross-ventilation through the house. On a 100 degree August day with 90+% humidity, there will be no way to get a house cooled without A/C, however. I would consider a geo-thermal heat-pump as the most efficient means of cooling. It would also provide the heating you needed for the short Winter.
"You must be the change you want to see in the world." "First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win." --Mahatma Gandhi
"Preach the Gospel always, and if necessary, use words." --Francis of Assisi.
"Family farms work when the whole family works the farm." -- Adam Klaus
R Scott wrote:
Kevin EarthSoul wrote:One good clue is to look at the vernacular building in the area. In the South, porch-space was used extensively, and doors and windows were placed to enhance cross-ventilation through the house. On a 100 degree August day with 90+% humidity, there will be no way to get a house cooled without A/C, however. I would consider a geo-thermal heat-pump as the most efficient means of cooling. It would also provide the heating you needed for the short Winter.
TREES!! All homes had deciduous trees surrounding them. That can give you a 15-20 degree microclimate boost. Build within an existing stand of trees if at all possible.
For 300sf, a small (CHEAP) window AC unit will get the job done for only a little power, if the trees are not enough. But still more than your budget allows if you are going solar.
Kevin EarthSoul (real, legal name)
Omaha, NE
Kevin EarthSoul wrote:Building underground is pretty ambitious. Most people do partial below-grade building. It's not just about light, but ventilation, as well. Also, fully underground means you've dug in really deep, which increases the risk of hitting water-table. It adds a whole new layer of challenges. Most people seem to go with partial backfill. In more northerly climates, backfilling the North side up to the top of the wall, while leaving the Southern side open, with glazing for passive solar gain is very common. But in your climate, you're mostly about trying to stay cool and dry, which recommends against digging in too deep, unless you want to try to fully moisture-proof your floors and walls.
I would focus on: insulation, shading (not just with a deep roof, but also good shade trees), and keeping a cool floor. Backfilling up to a few feet might be good, but you'll be better off making a home that will ventilate well during Summer. I would consider building a stone fixture that can act as a ventilated heat-sink, with a high ceiling that can allow warm air to rise and then vent out. Plenty of air-moving ceiling fans.
One good clue is to look at the vernacular building in the area. In the South, porch-space was used extensively, and doors and windows were placed to enhance cross-ventilation through the house. On a 100 degree August day with 90+% humidity, there will be no way to get a house cooled without A/C, however. I would consider a geo-thermal heat-pump as the most efficient means of cooling. It would also provide the heating you needed for the short Winter.
Also, consider a "living roof". With the small home you're planning, you aren't spanning great distances, so the weight of a living roof could be borne. These could help keep your home much cooler. I could just imagine a living roof with wisteria hanging down off the eaves, further shading a lovely porch. If you have plenty of windows in the walls, and sufficient out-ventilation from the peak of the roof, your home should stay comfortable for most of the year.
John Elliott wrote:This is a good place for me to give Earthship another plug. Here is the first of their videos of what they have done in Haiti (hot and rainy like an AL summer):
The next time you are out taking pictures, take a shovel and show us what the dirt is like. I'm will wager you have to dig less than 12" before you hit solid clay, which would mean you have all the cob you would want or need right under your feet.
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