Download this podcast at your own risk. Seriously.
This is a podcast that I am keeping out of the regular podcast stream. In fact, this is stuff that is only of use to the most desperate people in the throws of relationship trouble. And even then, it will probably be of no use at all. But the key is that I say things in this podcast that I don't want to openly share. Much like in the political podcast, if I say things that are going to make you hate me, then at least I'll get $25 out of the deal.
What are my qualifications on this topic? None. And yet, people do come to me for relationship advice.
First off, outside of my current relationship, I have a 100% failure rate at relationships. (excepting death, I think this applies to everybody)
Seriously: do not buy this podcast. Even if you are trying to save your relationship, you are mostly likely to end up with even more problems, plus hating me, plus be $25 poorer.
On the up side (for me), the next time somebody wants me to give relationship advice, i can get into the same amount of trouble AND have $25. Bwa ha ha ha ha!