Ryan Burkitt wrote:For anyone that has built or owned a natural building. Is there a way to cool a natural building without electricity?
I have built a natural building. To summarize the many prior posts, yes, there are multiple ways to cool a natural building without electricity.
Some excellent methods discussed include using the thermal inertia of the earth. First, earth tubes: buried ventilation pipes that draw into the structure air cooled and dehumidified by ambient subterranean temperatures. Second, building an earth-integrated structure, such as an underground building or an earth-berm building, to tap into those ambient temperatures through direct contact rather than convection.
A less extreme but still effective version of the same concept is to build a non-earth-integrated building with enormous mass in the walls, so that they possess their own thermal inertia. Examples would include a monolithic cob structure, or possibly earth bag or adobe brick structures if the walls are exceptionally thick.
The problem is that all these techniques could potentially work for new construction, but if you are talking about an existing, conventional, above-ground structure - the OP didn't specify - then they are out of the question. None can be retrofit.
Actually, it might be possible to add earth tubes after the fact, but it wouldn't be easy, and I don't immediately see how it would work without incorporating electric fans.
My own experience is with a non-earth-integrated natural building: a fairly conventional, above-ground structure integrating some natural/alternative materials into a passive-solar design. You will find a subtle bias in the literature to discuss passive-solar architecture in terms of heating a building. But it can be just as effective at cooling a building.
In a very brief nutshell, passive-solar architecture works like this: design your structure around a large thermal mass exposed to the interior space; wrap around that mass a building envelope as highly insulated as is practical to construct; orient the whole structure according to (or very close to) the cardinal directions; and then carefully position and size the windows, doors, and roof overhangs so to control the ingress of direct sunlight into the building. There can be additional subtleties to it - optimizing indirect daylighting, accounting for local conditions like prevailing winds, incorporating exterior plantings and landscaping, choosing appropriate types of window glass - but I've just summarize the core principals in one paragraph. And depending on one's design choices, it is possible to achieve good passive-solar results without adding $1 to your design. Except for the cost of "extra" insulation and roof overhangs, but the general architectural advantages of these features should be self-evident to a smart designer in any case.
During the winter, your interior thermal mass is flooded with direct sunlight and naturally warmed, in turn warming your rooms and occupants. During the summer, it is kept (nearly) completely shaded and absorbs no additional heat except for ambient room temperature. In the evening, as soon as the temperature outside drops below the temperature inside, you open up windows to let the cooler air in. This can be improved using exhaust fans, but they are not necessary (since we are aiming for "without electricity"). A good design includes high and low windows - possibly including a clerestory or a steeple - to create a passive thermosyphon that draws in cooler air all night. In the morning the windows are closed again, and the thermal mass retains the cooler nighttime temperature into the day, in turn cooling rooms and occupants. An unused rocket mass heater can be well integrated into this summertime system.
According to the books, a thoroughly designed passive-solar building has 1/3 less need for climate control. Will this keep you cool in the Sahara? By itself, it would keep you cool
er, but probably not cool enough. It would be a good start, but there are other traditional architectural techniques designed for cooling in a desert climate. I find it is very adequate (together with minimal electricity invested in ceiling fans) in South Carolina.
But can you retrofit any passive-solar benefits into an existing structure? Not easily, but it could be done.
To start, you need interior thermal mass. This could be achieved by adding a trombe wall in a good spot, if you can make the room for it and if the existing floor can support the weight. This is a massive interior wall, often a half-height wall, typically made of compressed earth or masonry +/- 1 foot thick. Water is also an excellent thermal mass. Adding an interior pool would work, but is probably impractical for anything but the most extreme retrofit. A "trombe wall" made by permanently lining up very large water vessels is a possibility. If your structure is built atop a monolithic concrete slab foundation, this will be the easiest way to gain your thermal mass, because it is already there. Tear up any carpet and foam and subfloor - think of these as insulation separating your thermal mass from the interior space - then refinish the slab by staining and sealing it as a finished floor, or by covering it directly with non-insulating material like ceramic tile. And remember what I said above about a rocket mass heater.
Now that you have some mass, you need to control its exposure to direct sunlight. This is why passive-solar design orients the building North/South/East/West, because then it is very easy to choose on which walls to locate and how to size your windows and doors. The goal is to have minimal openings facing East and West, or none at all, where it is impossible to control sun exposure during sunrise and sunset; modest openings to the North, which are essentially holes in your insulated building envelope, but also can provide desirable indirect lighting (and sometimes code-mandated emergency egress); and large openings to the South, to let direct winter light flood your interior mass. Your roof overhangs and possibly additional plantings will keep summer light out. Note that South-facing windows can be too large, also. There is a science to optimizing these openings relative to your thermal mass and climate, which I won't go into here.
Existing conventional construction would have been oriented to face the street, which means for our purposes that the building orientation will be totally random, and no thought will have been put into location or size of windows and doors. Do your best to add exterior awnings and/or perhaps plantings to come as close as possible to the ideals outlined above. If you can't do that, interior blackout curtains would be the next best thing for some windows, if you can live with them. Because any of these solutions will be jerry-rigged onto a less-than-ideal building plan, it may be necessary to manually raise, lower, open, close, install, or remove some of these throughout the day or the year in order serve our passive-solar goals without completely shutting out light or views.
Finally, you are ready to consider ventilation. If you don't have high-level windows or vents to open to create a thermosyphon, or you can't install some, you must rely on cross ventilation from ground-level windows and screen doors. With double-hung windows, this can sometimes be less effective than the books would have you believe. Casement windows are better. If you find that natural cross ventilation isn't sufficient at night, you might have to bite the bullet and burn a little electricity to run some fans. Adding a whole-house exhaust fan is still a cost-effective investment compared to air conditioning.