Gaurī Rasp

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since Oct 21, 2021
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I’m a life long gardener…just finished my third year of a large 120’x80’ garden here outside of Asheville NC. I work toward being more food self-sustaining. I learned so much these first three years. Some things didn’t grow at all, some grew part of the season, some were prolific. I successfully grew potatoes & sweet potatoes this year! I learned about the insect pests here, the fungi that created problems for some plants, learned better ways to manage weeds, to irrigate. This year I focused on canning apples from our 5 old organic trees as well as the wild blackberries & elderberries I harvested! Chose to freeze pumpkin pulp.
I also made a large hugelcultur berm!
Next year I’m going to learn composting, vermicomposting, compost tea making and I going to bake bread again!
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Recent posts by Gaurī Rasp

I gather many many many loads of leaves and dump them between my planting rows. The cattle panel trellises mostly hold them in place from the wind. I also pull wheelbarrows full of soggy, partly rotted leaves from our creek. It’s just excellent for soil building!
2 months ago
Perfect timing! Thanks for all the ideas as my jalapeño plants are so full of peppers that the branches are breaking off!
Giving lots away.
And I plan to slice & freeze portions to use in taco, sauce & corn bread!
3 months ago
Lots of good advice here.
As someone with asthma, I take homemade Elecampane tincture, elderberry syrup & mullein tea. These definitely help.
4 months ago
I found another photo of the build & one of the inside! I love how simple it is…
5 months ago
I can’t take credit for this design & build of our little “mini house”, built on a frame of a standard trailer. We use it for guests, quiet time & as a great place to cure squash & sweet potatoes!
Sorry…can’t find photos of the interior but there’s a slight platform for a queen mattress, shelves & a sweet built in table. The wood is rough cut by an Amish lumber mill nearby!
5 months ago
Thanks Derek!
You inspired me to look up the weed, which just got me again! It’s called horsenettle. Ugh!
5 months ago
I have cleavers! And make tea w them. And wild blackberries & black raspberries. Mullein. Plantain. Elderberry. Nasty Virginia creeper vine. But those nasty ones w the thorns, I don’t know what they’re called but grrrrrrrrr
5 months ago
I love this topic but it’s kind of a mystery to me. What are “beneficial weeds” & what are bad weeds? And then there are the nasty ones w nasty thorns! Ouch!
I’m in my 4th year gardening here just south of Asheville NC. Weeds are a constant struggle for me. I’ve used cardboard & woodchips for walkways, some landscape fabric, heavy compost, manure & mulch on beds. It’s better but weeds still take up a lot of my time.
I’d like to do some fermenting fertilizer teas w them. And composting. So far I’ve just been dumping them in our woods.
Keep the info coming folks!
5 months ago
Our Mountain Feist-Heeler mix is such a sweet, loving, cuddly boy….that is until he becomes a hunter! He waits patiently then stalks. But he does a very weird thing…when he gets a squirrel he becomes very possessive. If we come close he’ll pick it up & carry it further away then lay down next to it, nudge it or lick it. But mostly he’ll just lie next to it….for LONG periods of time. Weird!  
6 months ago