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Dennis Bangham

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since Feb 19, 2016
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I live at the bottom of a hill on a small rise (Toeslope). 1st horizon soil is Colbert, Cherty, Silty, Clay, Loam, 2nd silty clay loam (12 inches) and clay at 24 inches. Bedrock around 36 to 40 inches. Hydrologic soil group D. Mean precipitation 50 inches. Frost free period 180 to 220 days
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Huntsville Alabama (North Alabama), Zone 7B
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Recent posts by Dennis Bangham

Around 200 trees on a one+ acre lot in a subdivision.  My off button broke.
4 days ago

Tina Gee wrote:I’m hoping to learn ferment/ammendments small scale in my yard before rolling out to my community. Does anyone know if out of date tinned sardines etc can be used to start a compost ferment?

Look into JADAM there is a recipe for using fish.
1 week ago
I am following Dr. Redhawk's guidance by adding Clover, Tillage Radish, Rape Seed and a couple other. After reading the dynamic accumulator (above) I went and bought sugar beets (2lbs for $5) and spread them around my older trees and will make JADAM Liquid Fertilizer out of Sugar Beet Pulp for around my seedlings.
The sugar beets will help add to the bacteria and fungal growth.  Plus I can harvest some to eat.
I also add a couple types of turnip and mustard as green mulch and let them reseed. I have to give some greens away to friends and force them to be healthy.
1 week ago
I like this topic and hope to kick start it back into the discussion. I found a Dynamic Accumulator Database from USDA.

I know Alfalfa has a good amount of Nitrogen and Beets have a lot of NPK.
I am thinking of experimenting with a 50 lb bag of alfalfa pellets and a 50 lb bag of shredded beet pulp.  
Soak them in an IBC tote and pour around the base of my fruit trees.
2 months ago
Anyone with experience in using Alfalfa Pellets and Shredded Beet Pulp as an organic NPK supplement for fruit trees?  
I am wondering if putting one of these in a food safe IBC tote add water and let it age.  Does this make sense?
2 months ago
You may be scrapping to close to the skin.  I cut them in half and squeeze the pulp and seeds out and toss the rest.  May use the skins as a insecticide in the future.
3 months ago
Trees from the same root stock are called clones. They will not cross pollinate.  However, trees from the same seeds will cross pollinate since there is some genetic diversity.
Kentucky State University has a Pawpaw section with a lot of guidance on how to grow and prepare Pawpaw.  If you can I recommend getting two and planting them 8 foot apart.
Planting that close to a foundation may cause problems.
4 months ago
Search for fruitbook9 on the net.  It is specific to the southeast.  Easy to grow fruit trees are what I did.
Some trees, like pawpaw do not like transplanting.  Get some good rootstock and learn how to graft.  Get scions of named varieties.
6 months ago
Dr. Redhawk,  Can this potting mix also be used in a sand bed covered with shade cloth and used to grow out cuttings?

Thank you.
6 months ago
One summer I lost a third of my Pawpaw seedlings by waiting too long to put under shade.  However, I live in the southeast and by June it gets very hot here and the long hot days will cause the leaves to scorch.  
I use 30% shade cloth positioned so it only shades from noon to dusk.
When transplanting make sure no to damage the very fine hair like roots.  They are critical for the trees survival.
7 months ago