Beverly Temmer

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since Nov 16, 2011
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Mukilteo, Washington
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Recent posts by Beverly Temmer

The stove pipe on my sister's wood stove became blocked. The man who came and cleaned it out advised her to stop burning newspaper. Especially anything with colored ink. It accumulates in the stove pipe and gives off toxic fumes.
8 years ago
In my town is a Facebook page called 'Buy Nothing Mukilteo' where many people post items they no longer need or want. Other people put in a request to be selected to receive them. People put amazing items on this page and gift them to others in the community.

I'm a grandmother trying to not spend lots of money on my Grandkids and still spoil them. I watch this Facebook page and pick up various things that others have made available.

I've received a mini pie baker, Star Wars PEZ dispensers (4) and a watering can for the garden. People are very nice on this page. It is a pleasure to watch and restores my belief in the generosity of people.
8 years ago
Happy anniversary! Woohoo!
8 years ago
Look for a 'Buy Nothing' Facebook page for your area. You can get things you want free and give away the things you don't need.
8 years ago
Always looking for things to do with the yolks when I make an Angel Food Cake. 12 Egg whites needed. That gives me 12 lonely egg yolks.
8 years ago
Requested it from Sno-Isle library. I'm 4th on the list at this time. It seems popular!
8 years ago