There is a two week foraging & botany intensive coming up this September in Idaho. For two weeks, a group of people will travel together, visiting a diversity of eco regions to learn the skills of foraging and identifying plants using a very easy and efficient patterns method. We will harvest and learn to process and cook various plants, as well as learn other uses of plants such as medicine, fiber for clothing and baskets, tools, friction fire, and so on.
This intensive happens at a new location every year. I attended for the first time last year and we travelled throughout Oregon. I learned a lot, and continue to practice the skills of wild foraging and creating things with wild plants. I’ll be going again this year, and I’m helping to organize it. I’m trying to help get the word out since this is such an amazing opportunity that I think a lot of people would be interested in but don’t necessarily know about it!
I’ll attach a flyer with some info, and here is the website with all the details: