About 7-8 hours after sting, I had a bad case of the chills. It was 90 degrees outside, 78 in my apartment, and I had the heat on, and in winter clothes, wrapped in a blanket. It lasted several hours before I fell asleep and woke up next day, feeling ok, except shaky from not eating since lunch the day before.
I didn't go to a doctor. No need.
My comment about the next sting based on, among some other comments, my friend who's been a beekeeper for 20+ years. That is her understanding.
True or not, I don't intend to find out.
Deb Stephens wrote:
I'm curious about your reaction to the sting. What were your symptoms, etc.? (Just asking because I know there is a wide range of reactions -- including the very serious anaphylaxis.) I'm wondering why the doctor thinks your next sting is likely to be worse. I've not heard that before.