john giroux

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since Feb 17, 2011
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Recent posts by john giroux

They do glow. Soooo cool.  Gotta love fungus!  Down side, i guess that big white oak is dying.  Up side, morw room for my princeton elm!
4 years ago
I have to go see if they glow. I have found a few sticks that glow. Very cool! If they do glow...the fairies will have a door light for a while.  
4 years ago
Maybe it's not...this has gills on the under side.
4 years ago
North Georgia zone 7a. At the base of a oak tree.
Im fairly sure these are chicken of the woods. I had some plugs or spawn 4 years ago that never did anything and i dont really remember where I put it. I know its hard ID from photo and the rest of the bad things with fungus....but a little help please
4 years ago
I also tried the knocking on the shitake logs. nothing happened afterwards.
7 years ago
found these today in a dead tree I put oyster plugs into, but I don't think these are them.
7 years ago
I'll try it.  I've read the same thing.
7 years ago
my logs from this spring just fruited! I thought they were not going to give until next year.
7 years ago
I like these. it send me to parts of the forum I wouldn't normall go.
The bags all have filter patches on them. They are a bit bigger than fist size around and a foot long.  I plan on letting them all go a bit longer before I take out the bad ones.
8 years ago