Angel Bellamissio

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since Dec 29, 2021
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Recent posts by Angel Bellamissio

interesting , thank you. Eventually want to do a geothermal air greenhouse with citrus like the one person has done.

Jay Angler wrote:Have you seen some of the techniques used in Russia to grow lemons further north. They did do a lot of work of choosing successful plants, and taking those seeds and moving further north, but they also did some interesting pruning approaches.

If you read this article:

Scroll down and you see a tree that just a foot or two tall, with the branches splayed out to keep it low for frost protection. Putting flat rocks as mulch under it would help reflect up daytime heat in the evening.

I've got 4 baby lemons I started from seed with the intention of trying this system. I'm on Vancouver Island, BC, and there are people that grow lemons here with protection, but I'm not sure how many survived this past winter. At least if it's low to the ground, putting something over it when the weather is outside of the norms is possible.

2 years ago
I loved my Manzanita hedges,  I miss them so much. I hope you enjoy yours, but i wouldn't necessarily  sacrifice them for building. They were a privacy hedge around my home in the mountains.
2 years ago
this is such a fantastic thread.  Thank you
2 years ago
yes have had one decades

Thekla McDaniels wrote:Harry Potter cloak of invisibility!

Always on the look out for more, or a pattern for or materials for one. Love the patterns and capes this thread. Like some said if not dramatic time they will generate lots of interest or attention.  lol
2 years ago
Thank you so much Anne. Will definitely take a look at them.
2 years ago
did any here on this thread pursue their dreams to sell wool or husp clothing. I am interested if you have a wool line, a book or started a fiber or wool homestead.

2 years ago
this is the type of farm homestead I have been planning for years. If any of you have did a book or plans since please let me know. I have notebooks of plans but awaiting my chance to get my homestead or farm, but will center around fiber.

2 years ago
congrats on the find, renovations and property for your son. You are so lucky. Wish I had not listened to someone and bought the property next door when could and now regret it for many reasons hurting our families safety now. Love , love, love the sink. It is stunning and will make a great focal point for your kitchen. I love marble and want slabs to redo bathroom area for shower or tub surround. I  want some in kitchen and would love a sink like yours. can't wait to see how it looks for you when done, and hear how happy you are with it.
2 years ago