Tom Berens

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since May 04, 2020
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Recent posts by Tom Berens

Welcome, you might want to post on permaculture singles area with us.
2 years ago
Hi josh, the earthin plaster and/or stucco will trap moisture in the t1-11 and cause rot, it might take 20 years or less. What did you use for sheathing?

2 years ago
Welcome to Permies. I am also from Eagle River, but to old for you, good luck.
2 years ago
Stay away from the MD's, all they will do is hook you  on some medicine. Try a naturalpathic doctor, they will cure you and it won't cost you an arm and a leg. I follow Dr. Glidden ND on the internet, his web site is .
2 years ago
Would like to have a life partner but it seems at are age they are all set at there homestead and settled in, or they are looking to leave the rat race at any cost.
2 years ago
Welcome to Permies, Carol

2 years ago
Hi Jean, Welcome to Permies. I'm about 3 hours north east of you, around Datil New  Mexico.

2 years ago
Still Looking.....
2 years ago
Sorry I don't have an answer to your question, but I do have a question, how much fuel are you using to heat with?

Thanks Tom
2 years ago