I had a Bielefelder roo, hatchery. He was great with the hens but we had a running feud.
His replacements were two brothers, incubated, raised in a brothers-only bachelor pad. They were Biel x Dominique. Horrible with the hens, no problems with me.
Then two young cockerels, half brothers, each raised by a different broody. The older is Biel x Jersey Giant. The younger was Biel x Black Australorp. Their father was the first Biel. I tried setting eggs from the Biel x Dom set, but both were shooting blanks.
The younger of the two brothers was the only surviving chick and his mother doted on him. Wouldn't allow the other hens to discipline him, wouldn't do it herself. He was harrassing the hens, trying to mate with my foot, wouldn't make any effort to court the girls and wouldn't take no for an snswer. He died, probably of liver failure, at 16 weeks.
The older of the two brothers is still around and learning manners. He's currently in the bachelor pad to give him some time to mellow out and grow up. He nearly scalped one of the hens. He was also raised by a (different) broody.
They both spent time being chased by the hens, and the Biel x JG at least was disciplined by them. Didn't seem to make any difference.
On the other hand, my sister's JG was hand raised and became a perfect roo after a teenage jerk period. His son, incubator, got hus father's intelligence and ramped up the good behavior. I have his sons, also incubated, in the coop for evaluation.