Kyle Knight

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since Dec 21, 2017
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World's handsomest engineer
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Recent posts by Kyle Knight

Took down some dead alder and turned it into firewood.  The pile ended up being 6ftx3ft (18sqft) and the sticks are 16in
1 month ago
I gave an impromptu class on Mosh History & Culture.  Topics included various styles of music one would Mosh to, different moves and which genre they were appropriate for.  We covered a lot of etiquette and safety.  There was a small amount of history of punk and ska music.

The students asked a lot of questions and we had some practice of different moves.
2 months ago
I fixed up a sweet bike! The great folks at Free Cycles guided me through trying the wheel, angling the handlebars, putting in a new brake cable, a new chain, and the fine adjustments on the derailleur! How fun!  I've never ridden a bike properly configured for my body, it rides like a dream!
2 months ago
I made some tea from fir tips.  It was pretty good!
2 months ago
I made tea of of pine needles! It didn't taste great, maybe it's good for me? Idk.
2 months ago
It's serviceberry time kids!  
2 months ago
I made some seed balls today at the skip event.

Here's a list of species I used.  There's also some mystery seeds I threw in for funnies.  Perennials are indicated by a P

Lovage  P
Cherry  P
Sage P
Asparagus P
Walnut P
Catnip P
2 months ago
I made a lil dry stack wall near Arrakis. The stone came from up the hill near the Love Shack.  BEHOLD!
2 months ago
Repost with required photo! I dehydrated a bunch of bananas in the big boy solar dehydrator here at beautiful Wheaton Labs.  I salted half of them and they all tasted great do next time I won't.  BEHOLD!