Teresa Duran

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since Dec 03, 2016
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so here is an update - I was able to get the system back on line and all was fine - after cycling it and restarting everything - however, it runs for sometime and then the inverter shuts down and gives an overload red light.
7 years ago
Thanks - I checked there is voltage coming from the batteries but it seems that there is not voltage from the inverter going to the panel that manages my kitchen lights, well, frig etc. With the bypass turned off, I am getting some power in the home, it looks like minimal power but the normal power I get when the grid goes down and my neighbors have no power and I usually have power due to the battery back up. However, normally on the battery back up I have my Water Well and this time I did not. When I turn on the bypass that was off I do get power to that panel that sends power to the well.  When the bypass that was off is turned on and the other switches are moved from on to off on the inverter I get power. I am thinking 1 of 2 things, either it is the inverter (the system was installed in 2003 and I bought the property with the system) or the batteries are pushing some power but not enough to power it all. I am a true greenhorn/novice so I guess I need to get to doing some more learning about this. I leave out in the country so I might need to call a tech but I am always worried about who I will get cause I am so far out in the backwoods.

I appreciate the guidance from you all.

7 years ago
Frank thanks for the info I will check that out ! I appreciate the guidance. Also, another question - I know that this solar was put in during 2003. The battery back up system was installed then as well. Is there a way that I can check the batteries effectively myself as I was told they are only good for about 10-12 years.
Thanks again in advance
7 years ago
Frank - thanks for that info - so here is what happened. There was power coming from the Grid none of my non-solar neighbors lost power. I only lost part of my power. My friend who is an electrician checked everything out and we were getting power from the grid through PG&E. I have a large residential home all on solar about 3,000 sq ft, I have large panels and about 8 batteries in the battery back up. When he checked the power there was no power coming from the inverter to the panel that manages the kitchen lights, the well and the other areas that were impacted by the outage. We found nothing shorted out, disconnected etc. So finally we put the two bypass switches that were on the inverter to the on position and switched the two that were on to the off position. Do I have a battery problem, an inverter problem or a panel problem. Excuse my ignorance but I am not even sure where to start digging for information -I can read about it and I am pretty good at following instructions. If you would be so kind to suggest where I might begin that would be great.
7 years ago
Can i ask a question. I'm a novice more like a greenhorn but i have a battery backup system. Was part of the property when i bought it. Yesterday i list part of my power. Switched on the bypass on My inverter and all was ok. What did i did I bypass my batterries or the grid or did i switch from the top 5 batteries tp tje bottom 5 batterries thanks in advance
7 years ago