Thanks - I checked there is voltage coming from the batteries but it seems that there is not voltage from the inverter going to the panel that manages my kitchen lights, well, frig etc. With the bypass turned off, I am getting some power in the home, it looks like minimal power but the normal power I get when the grid goes down and my neighbors have no power and I usually have power due to the battery back up. However, normally on the battery back up I have my Water Well and this time I did not. When I turn on the bypass that was off I do get power to that panel that sends power to the well. When the bypass that was off is turned on and the other switches are moved from on to off on the inverter I get power. I am thinking 1 of 2 things, either it is the inverter (the system was installed in 2003 and I bought the property with the system) or the batteries are pushing some power but not enough to power it all. I am a true greenhorn/novice so I guess I need to get to doing some more learning about this. I leave out in the country so I might need to call a tech but I am always worried about who I will get cause I am so far out in the backwoods.
I appreciate the guidance from you all.