I am working on claiming ownership of all my digital online stuff.
You may be thinking why would you want to do this? These 'services' are free
Most services such as Google Drive, Iphoto, and Dropbox are offering 'free' services to you to sell your data on the back end and can look through your files you host on their computers. As more people push for more privacy when browsing the internet, doing things like opting out of cookies, the tech giants will have their major income streams dry up. The only way that I can see them making up for these losses is changing to subscription models. If all your photos or documents are on one of these services you will have to pay to have access to them and these companies can look through them using bots and even people if they find reason to. There has been content on nearly all of these 'services' that was deemed 'inappropriate' and deleted. You can never be sure what regime, both government and private companies, is going to be in power and what they think is appropriate for you to have. Will whatever government alphabet agency decide that they make less money or have less power if you are growing your own food or forming your own communities? people could see homesteading and self-reliance resources go away.
Okay that is enough on the why, though I could go on for a while, lets talk about solutions.
I have purchased a Start9 Embassy server to begin self-hosting free and open source alternatives. Up until now hosting your own server has been very difficult and limited to people who were sufficiently rich or nerdy. The Start9 is a free and open source software (FOSS) operating system for making self hosting other FOSS 'click button' easy. You can choose to purchase a server from Start9 or build your own using a raspberry pi and now x86_64 architecture computers. Maybe you want to convert an old computer to a server. Here is a link to the webpage and a short intro video. Note the video is old and some of the info is out of date, such as the setup process is now easier and does not require an app. Also many services have been added in the last year. There are many great podcasts with the team from Start9 to learn more as well.
Start9 sovereign computing
I will update my progress in future posts possibly going into detail on various services Im running. I just wanted to make sure people found out about this new computing paradigm. It has the potential to change the internet in a similar way that operating systems, such as Windows, made owing personal computers accessible by having a simple graphical user interface to use instead of command line stuff.
Have you played around with the Start9 Embassy?
Do you have other methods of taking control of your data that you would like to share?
Thanks for your feedback and ideas