elle sagenev

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since Jun 13, 2014
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Recent posts by elle sagenev

We had a lot of visitors this year. We did chase off the geese and ducks. They can't live there. The crane came around every day for a month and ate all our goldfish.
2 months ago
Few more pics of the new trees this year
2 months ago
The filter system had some modifications this year. I added a hose and valve so I could drain pond water into the pond orchard. I have quince, peach, cherry and nectarine trees here. As well as an elderberry and loads of strawberries at the overflow point of the pond.

The pipe runs in my swales so each tree gets water and so do the flowers I planted for aesthetics.
2 months ago
We built a gazebo next to the pond and are working on making custom cement pavers for it.
2 months ago
I have been trying to establish plants in the rock cracks but it's been a struggle with the heat. Some success though.
2 months ago
Bought some new plants at the end of the month and they just arrived. Excited to see how they do.
2 months ago
My lotus over wintered and I am going to get my first bloom
2 months ago
The Pond and surround are slowly establishing themselves. I've had problems over wintering cattails. Even though I acquired them locally. The reeds are doing well and the grasses I collected.

I did purchase some plants that won't survive the winter here with the intent of putting them in the basement over the winter.
2 months ago
I chose everbearing varieties because I think it is likely they will be mowed down by rabbits every year. So a plant that can grow and produce on first year wood was very important to me. They are also cold hardy.

I think I want to plant them by the pond.  There are some trees along one side and I'd like to plant them among them. It would be in the flood plain of the pond pump, but not in the overflow of the pond area.

I have a lot of file boxes at work I can use as my grass/weed killing layer and then I shall just have to mulch a lot and make sure I have water happening.

Any other advice is appreciated. Thanks ya'll!
8 months ago
I've not been successful growing raspberries and I really want to. So, I'm trying again and this time I'm determined to make it work. So, how do I make the planting bed to set these up for success??
8 months ago