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Bryant RedHawk

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since May 15, 2014
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Bryant RedHawk currently moderates these forums:
Part Nakota, part Irish. The Nakota took over long ago but still lives in two worlds, the European world and the first people's world. He lives on a small (15 + acres) piece of mother earth deep in the woods. Was trained in the cooper's arts as a child, since the family owned a cooperage. He has been a carpenter, and timber wright but love all aspects of farming.He holds a BS in Chemistry and Biology and a MS in Horticulture. Worked for the USDA for 16 years. Then PHD in Microbiology defended. Redhawk and his wife Wolf are setting up to be fully self sustaining, growing all their own foods and collecting rain water. "Soon we will be self sustaining and closer to being off the grid" he said when asked about future plans. They continue their own research both in Agriculture and soils with the hope to make the world more like it used to be, before mankind began screwing up the Earth Mother. This is the only way humankind will survive, we must fix what we have broken.
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Arkansas - Zone 7B/8A stoney, sandy loam soil pH 6.5
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Recent posts by Bryant RedHawk

Hau Margaret, I use 2 Oz. Per gal. For B-12.. your mineral additive sounds like a good additive in several small quantity stations over the growing season. One of the best things to do to really help any tree is to give them a mycorrhizae watering , this will give the roots the very important helper hyphae which form bacteria highways, form a type of internet between trees and other plants as well as helping nutrient up take by the roots.

4 months ago

Sean Govan wrote:Dr. Redhawk, after reading this thread I have a bunch more questions. Thanks again for putting this out there.

1. Would regular driveway salt (you know, for melting ice) work as a soil amendment if it is 100% halite? Halite has all the same 90 minerals as regular sea salt, right? I ask because this is cheap and abundant at Menards.  

Most driveway "salts" are not good for growing plant life, halide is not the same as a sea salt. I use sea90, it only takes a tablespoon per plant. If you're going to spread it over a garden plot figure on 2 tbs. Per Sq. Ft.

2. The bags of halite that I have contain some grayish/blackish chunks. Is this hydrocarbon contamination? If so, will that be a problem for my soil, veggies, or meat?

Those chunks are probably some sort of contaminate. Contaminated are not good for gardens.

3. Since beginning rotational grazing this year, I've discovered that I need to scythe under the fence a lot to keep it from shorting out. What do you think of pouring a line of halite under my permanent fencelines to reduce scything? I'm thinking it might keep the plant growth down for a few years, while the minerals slowly spread toward the middle of the pasture through leaching and the food web. Maybe the concentrated salty area would also benefit insects and other wildlife. Or is this a bad idea?

With an electric fence, the halite, spread about 2 ft. Wide under the fence line should keep you from having to do maintenance so often, if at all.

4. Some sites selling sea salt for soil seem to say that all the first 92 elements (of the periodic table) are necessary for optimum plant and animal health. What about things like lead, cadmium, arsenic, mercury, and aluminum? Are these things beneficial in any amount, in any way at all?  

The only sea salt product I recommend is sea 90. I know the owner and his product has 94 minerals, from the sea of Cortez. I don't know about other products but in sea 90 the lead and other nasties are so minimal when used correctly they aren't a concern.

5. How to deal with old junkpiles on our property, containing everything from rusty barb wire to asphalt roofing shingles? Bury it in a giant pile of topsoil and wood chips?

I have this problem too. I am leaving the junk pile on my land to it's own devices. Since I'm not sure what all was pushed into the pile after the house burned down, I'm not interested in trying to make use of that bit of my land. I would recommend you do the same or haul it off to the dump.

6. You mentioned that synthetic nutrients make the soil microbes "fat and lazy" because the plants can just suck up the nutrients. Is that the case for urine?

Urine is a natural item, all of the earth mothers creatures make and deposite urine. Just remember that it can be overused.

(The reason I'm using urine is, that I spread some sawdust soaked in cow manure on the garden last winter. Our pigs tilled it into the soil, and then the plants we put there got yellow leaves. So I started pouring diluted urine at the base of the plants every day, and they started greening back up. And now there's huge amounts of mushrooms growing under the shade of the plants. So I feel like the urine activated the mushrooms and they're breaking down the sawdust.)

Thanks for your time,



7 months ago

Hans Quistorff wrote:Having a large area of grass field available and straw that can be trusted not available I use a riding lawnmower with a pick up tube directed into a cart behind which I dump on the area to be developed.  
The clay is based on white volcanic ash like what came out of Mount St. Helens eruption.  It is filled with quack grass rhizomes which are very persistent and hard to remove.   I have roles of wall to wall carpet that have been removed from home renovations which I roll out on top which blocks all light but allows rain to penetrate.  Every thing rots down except the grass rhizomes which in their determination to survive grow in great swirls on the surface  of the soil looking for light.  

I love what you're doing, here's hoping you defeat the quackgrass completely.

8 months ago

Bonnie Kuhlman wrote:

rectangular bales of clean, non-sprayed wheat straw

Thank you, Dr. RedHawk, for all of your work that you share.  Several years and I am still gleaning knowledge from you.  

Realizing we are in different states, do you have any advice on finding non-sprayed straw?


As has been mentioned by others, Craig's list can be helpful, garden clubs, if you have one close and if there happens to be a farmers co-op or farm supply store. Asking do you spray? The answer Will usually tell you what you want to know. I've even put up "wanted, non-sprayed straw/ hay rectangle bales" signs at stores after getting permission to post.
8 months ago

Sarah Lennie wrote:I have a very basic question for the experienced folks in this thread- which end of the bales go down? Do you want the hay oriented as it was when growing, or laying on its side? I can see some logic to each orientation but was hoping someone with experience had a definitive opinion on the matter.

The strings go on the side, that will keep the bales held together better and it's easy to remember.

8 months ago
Hau Michael, I use ammonia because it activates the bacteria that convert it into nitrogen forms that plants require. As for your soils defects mineral wise I would recommend trying to find some sea90, this produce contains over 90 minerals and can be applied around your plants. Most soils only contain 70 to 74 minerals. Sea90 is air evaporated seawater from the sea of Cortez, one of the most mineral rich waters on the planet. When applied at 1/2 cup per sq.ft. it will not salinify soils.

9 months ago

Tim B Smith wrote:I am working on a class project following nitrogen fixation and this thread has had more useful information than anything I have found to date. Thank you all for your input in the past. Hopefully this is still accessible to you all.

We are testing hypotheses, so we don't need to be right but we need to make good, testable guesses about how nitrogen and nitrogen fixers might be moving around in plants. The underlying goal is to transfer the maximum amount of nitrogen possible into our tree targets.

I have past student projects that found "pools" of fixed nitrogen (N15 depleted) around sweet clover and lupine. Currently we have a cover crop of hairy vetch and winter rye. We are still working toward the experimental design, but we want to test various ways to transfer rhizobium (and nitrogen) in a garden plot.

It's mid March and the vetch has nodules but is not activated. I have found patches of activated vetch on the school grounds. I have permission to move the soils and the vetch for experiments.

I think we are going to plant small (very small) trees in the plot so we can follow them for a year or two (the point right now is to understand nitrogen fixation, not to grow a crop). I think we have time to put down inoculated vetch. We can also move soil from the area where we have activated vetch. I can also move the wild, activated vetch.

The kicker is that we can trace the movement of N by measuring the level of depletion in N15 in plant tissues. For a couple of hundred dollars we can map the whole process with replicated experiments. We have a small budget so that is possible.

Since they are long lived we can follow the trees for over a year. New growth will contain recent sources of nitrogen.

So...where are we likely to mess this up? What hypotheses would you absolutely test? Where are you curious and what would you warn us away from?

Hau Tim, what hypothesis are you currently investigating? I didn't see one listed, or did my aged eyes just not recognize it.

I've been using ammonia as a kick starter for N fixation (35 ml to 2 L H2O dilution) on some green bean plants and the nodules reacted well. Note: I always inoculate seeds with mycorrhizae prior to planting.  Currently I'm working on the interaction of tree root interaction with N fixing nodules via mycorrhizae interaction. My test plot incorporates new trees inoculated with the mycorrhizae and non inoculated bush bean plants located 1 m from the outer edge of the new trees root ball. My goal is to measure the amount of time it takes the tree mycorrhizae to reach the bean root system.  

The biggest problem (for my test) might be any mycorrhizae being present before the experiment. I created a sterile zone to prevent pre test contamination. Let me know how I can be of help.
9 months ago
Hau Dennis, I have started using wheat and barley for winter fodder for the deer and quail that share the land. Those are easy to no till, grow to around 6 - 8 inches and stay that height all winter in spring you can crimp or wait and harvest grains.

In my deer area I rotate through Wheat and barley then soybeans 7top, rape, crimson clover, yellow clover. I usually mix seed passes and over seed.

Hope that helps

1 year ago
Good point, all that saragasso should be gathered and composted with all the other compostable materials. That way the resulting compost will have as much of the building blocks of life as possible with the added benefit of clean beaches for tourists.

1 year ago

Tyler Ludens wrote:So far I'm not impressed with these Superworms.  I had a big die off (low temperatures?) and the bin became infested with small flies.  I had to move it outside, so it may soon become colonized by Black Soldier Flies.
Seems like after a decent start the Superworms have stopped eating the styrofoam and are now mostly eating their fallen comrades.  I've added some Red Wigglers to the bin to see if they can clean it up some.

Still have not found a lab to test for styrene residue.

Low temperatures will indeed create a die off of super worms(they aren't as hardy as regular meal worms. For super worms the temp needs to be at least 75f  80f is pretty ideal.
Sorry you had such a die off Tyler.

1 year ago