I appreciate your post. Very interesting ideas that are worth considering. I like the idea of stepping up in regards to education.
I'm simply thinking out loud for a moment, to make sure I understand. From the perspective of WOOFER.
What I get:
Housing and food for six months.
Rent: $1,800
Food $1,200
Valuable knowledge with no certification. College level education equips me with accredited knowledge. I'm not saying that either holds more lessons. However, the latter gives me a better opportunity to show my credentials and secure gainful employment or convince partners to invest with me on a working farm.
What I give:
720 hours of labor. Estimated value, even at minimum wage , $5,148.
$2,400.00 for room and board.
(What you get) or My total cost...$7,548
(What you give) or Your total cost...
Shared housing $1,800
Food for one : $1,200
$750 for workman's comp insurance.
Total: $3,750
$3798 difference in the Farmer's favor.
In my thinking, I am able to get a PDC for less than $3,798. Also, I can take a ten day intensive over the course of five weekends and keep working my $12/hour job with full benefits.
We all have choices. It is not my intention to challenge your offer. It is my intention to offer you another perspective, as that is what I believe you are searching for. All comments are appreciated. I believe you are on to a topic that deserves exploration. Your point about signing up to weed carrots is completely on point.