Kevin O'Kane

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since Aug 31, 2013
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One of my sons had a school project and it involved a mechanism similar to solar power pre-heating water. It was a project that challenged me a fair bit, but I enjoyed it a lot since I was doing it with my son. We build it from scratch and we discovered that it was not working properly due to a blocked drain. We had to re-do it again, and being an experienced water and gas plumber, we made it work.
11 years ago
I am an experienced water and gas plumber, and I would suggest that you use copper for water pipe. It is still the best one to use. I would not suggest using Pex, PVC or poly for you since you might not be able to handle these properly. Either ways, you just need to get an experienced water plumber to do this task for you.
11 years ago
Reading thru the comments, I find The Dirt Surgeon’s comment hilarious but true. Kidding aside, you should try to get an electrician, a reputable one, who can give you some estimates. This is what a mate has done when he wanted to know the cost of gas plumbing. He asked a reputable gas plumber to inspect the place and provide him quotes. Regarding the size of the tiny house, you might need to check at your local city hall for the zoning specs.
11 years ago