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Angela Aragon

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since Jul 30, 2013
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Recent posts by Angela Aragon

I 'm growing a patch of buckwheat this year for the first time. I just found out that it needs to be dehulled. But all I've been able to find are home mills that grind seeds into flour. I don't want that. All I want to do is remove the hulls and be left with the groats, which I can then toast and make into kasha.

Can anyone recommend a mill that will do this? The only one I have heard about is Country Living Mills, but the sticker price on it is out of my price range (nearly $800).
Thank you both so much for clearing this up for me! There are many basics like this that never seem to be included in descriptions and guides.
2 years ago
I am a complete novice to electric fencing. My understanding is that you build a perimeter fence using high-tensile galvanized wire. Then, you can build temporary paddocks for rotational grazing using polybraid wire and temporary step-in posts. You run the polybraid wire directly off the perimeter fence. My question is does the paddock emclosed by the polybraid wire have to be a closed circuit with the perimeter fence tap-in point? In other words does the end of the polybraid wire also have to connect to the hot perimeter fence?

I am asking because people seem to speak as if the circuit for the electric fence is closed by the ground wire. In other words, there will be no shock unless there is a functional ground.

I said that I am.a novice
2 years ago
Thank you everyone. My small farm is in what 100-150 years ago was a tropical cloud forest in Nicaragua. This land was cleared first for timber, then planted with crops for about 2 years until the soil ecosystem collapsed and it could not support any crops. It finally was converted to pasture, dominated by Bermuda grass, and was overgrazed year after year. This story is repeated over and over in the tropics. It still is occurring in the rainforests in the Atlantic region of Nicaragua (supposedly protected land).

We know that forest floors are fungally dominated. Given what Red Hawk wrote, I suspect that the soil on my farm used to be fungally dominated and lost that balanced ecosystem a long time ago when the tropical cloud forest was cleared. This allowed organisms like root-knot nematode to flourish. Indeed, entire coffee crops are lost to its infestation in this region.

For the past five years, I have been in the process of restoring my 8.5 acres by planting trees and shrubs. There have been numerous setbacks, including major challenges associated with climate change. However, I can look out over the land now and see that things are moving in the right direction.
5 years ago
If you have ever had a root-knot nematode problem in your soil, you are aware of the devastation they can cause. I was thinking about what causes this problem. To use an analogy, about 50% of the world's human population carries the bacterium Helicobacter pilori in their gut. However, only a small percentage of these individuals experience the paralyzing gastrointestinal problems that it can cause. This is because most of the time it is in a state of balance with other microorganisms in the gut and its population never reaches the level where it can cause problems.

I suspect that something similar is happening with so-called bad soil nematodes like root-knot. The system is out of balance, allowing the root-knot population to surge above normal levels and cause problems.

Does anyone know how this process occurs in the soil and how to restore it back to a balanced system?
5 years ago
Does anyone here grow tumeric? I am interested in obtaining rhizomes of different varieties that people may be growing.
6 years ago
You are right, Peter. The proposed double-tank system, as described, would not be practical. However, I want to say that I appreciate the suggestion and all of the other responses to my questions that I have received. I am trying to educate myself and you guys have been a big help!
6 years ago
I am back with another question about batteries. The batteries that the solar store recommended to me in their original quote for the backup system were the following:

12V/110AH/20HR deep cycle AGM-GEL combination made by Master Solar.

They recommended that I use two of these. I recognize the nomenclature: 12V = 12 volt battery; 110AH = 110 amp hours; 20HR = 20 hours?

If 20HR indeed is 20 hours, does this mean that the battery can run for a maximum of 20 hours at 110AH before it needs to be recharged?

If one battery is 110AH, does this mean that you can get 220AH if the two are connected?

I had originally asked for a quote from the solar outfit here to run my aquaponics system, powered by a 92 watt submersible AC water pump in continuous use (24 hours), completely with solar. But I had a major sticker shock when I saw the quote, which prompted me to go in the direction of a backup system charged off the grid electric system that I wrote about here in previous posts.

In the original quote, they said I need 4 of the batteries listed above connected to produce 24V to adequately run the 92-watt pump 24 hours continuously with 3 - 100-watt solar panels. I assumed at the time that I needed the 3 panels to keep the batteries adequately charged. However, now I am not so sure. The pump only uses 92-watts per hour. That is less than one 100-watt light bulb in continuous use.

However, my reason for writing is to understand amp hours. I found a website that guides you to determine your battery needs. Below are the calculations to run my pump.

Pump: 92 watts X 24 hours = 2208 watts
Independence: 3 days - 2208 X 3 = 6624 watts
Battery drain:  40% - 6624 ÷ 0.4 = 16,560 watts
Amps required: 16,560 ÷ 24V = 690AH

These calculations, if correct, indicate that I need 690AH? to run the pump continuously. However, the 4 batteries that they recommended are only 110AH each. Any way you slice it, I cannot get that battery configuration to add up to the 690AH that the calculations say that I will need.

Am I missing something? Originally, I had thought that the four batteries were overkill, but after doing the calculations above, it seems that they might be insufficient.
6 years ago
I am back with yet another question. I was talking with a neighbor today about my inverter situation and suggestions that I had received here at the Permies Forum. He has a solar system consisting of 3 panels and 4 deep-cycle 110AH batteries that he had installed about 3.5 years ago to power a well pump. (The same outfit that gave me the outrageous quote to solve my needs also installed his system.)

He warned me not to get so preoccupied about the inverter that I forget about the battery bank. He said that when the solar outfit installed his system, he asked if he could scale up later if he wanted to. They gave an affirmative response. He said that he noticed that the charge controller indicated that his panels were generating more power than his battery bank could accommodate during peak hours, so about a year ago he called the solar outfit and asked if he could add two more batteries to his current bank of four. They responded that he could not, that he would have to replace his entire battery bank. It seems that if you add new batteries to an existing system, the older ones will damage them.

Needless to say, my neighbor was really angry. He specifically asked them if he could scale up the system and they had said yes. Apparently, their definition of scaling up was radically different from his.

Is it true that you cannot add new batteries to an existing bank?
6 years ago
Thank you everyone for your help with this. I have a bunch of options to consider now and I really appreciate that. You guys are the best!
6 years ago