It is our opinion that a critical imbalance of food demand and food supply is coming. When the crisis does come, you have a choice to be a Grower, a Hoarder or a Detainee of the Homeland Security Dept.
Regardless of how much food you hoard, there is a limit.
We have an Education and Research Centers in Lincoln City, Oregon. We experiment with Sustainable Growing Techniques, Permaculture, Off the Grid techniques using existing material to solve our food production challenges.
Also, the Center is a Living and Learning Laboratory for Water, Energy, Shelter and Community Building.
Why have plenty of Food, Energy, Shelter, and Water if you are living in a community that cannot work together?
These are the guidelines we use to build a Community.
1. Complaint Free Zone
When a person eliminates complaining they become a more creative, giving, loving, and grateful problem solver. Eliminating complaining does change your brain not in some magical, woo woo kind of way, but in a real physical way. The science is called neuroplasticity. It means that our thoughts can change the structure and function of our brains.
How it Works.
You wear a small purple plastic bracelet and try to go 21 days without complaining. If you find yourself complaining during that time, you must switch the bracelet to the other arm. However, it's not just complaining about your own life - you can't criticize or gossip either.
Complaining vs. Problems
Problems are to be solved -complaints cannot be solved.
For example, the statement, “I am tired of this rain” is a complaint. It is not just information - it is a complaint.
The statement “I am tired of this rain, and I am getting wet” is a problem and can be solved.
2. Never Attack Anybody’s Personhood – This includes yourself. You are not to call yourself names. You are not stupid, dumb or silly. Likewise, you are not to call anybody else names or a derogatory nickname
3. Gossip is not tolerated – Gossip is a form of complaining about another person behind their back. They are what we call ANTS -Automatic Negative Thoughts.
Thoughts are “Automatic” – they just happen. Do not try to stop them, but you do not have to say them out loud.
Thoughts are not always correct and may not always be “true.”
Thoughts “LIE”- You do not have to speak every thought.
Feelings (thoughts) are like waves; they just keep coming.
“A person with a higher Emotional Intelligence knows which wave to surf.”
4. You will learn about your DNA way of working - There are nine (9) DNA ways of working. We have all nine, but one is our favorite. When you embrace your favorite way of working, you never have to work another day in your life.
5. TAGS (Talents, Attributes, and Gifts) - Each participant will be able to identify their top TAGs. Participants will be able to identify opportunities where they turn their TAGs into skills. This Improves one’s life’s satisfaction and mental health.
6. Fight - Flight or Freeze – the Amygdala is part of the brain that is wired for your survival. It is that part of the brain which determines, (when you are in a conflict situation, real or imaginary) you will “Fight” “Flight” or “Freeze.” The better you understand your Amygdala response, the easier for you to be able to resolve conflict situations faster.
7. Happiness - Gratitude fosters happiness. It makes it easier to cope with stress and Trauma. You will learn how to have a positive perspective which will allow you to encounter personal adversity like loss or illness and stay happy. Random acts of kindness foster happiness. Studies show that engaging in a random act of kindness — even if you’re told by a researcher to do so — improves your happiness level.
8. Increase Your Success Rate - By doubling your failure rate. Got an idea? Try it. If it fails, you learned something. At the Center’s Laboratory, since all the material, tools and money are furnished free, what do you have to lose?
“I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work.” ― Thomas A. Edison
9. Finding Joy – At the Center, you will be encouraged to focus on what makes you happy and bring your joy. You will be encouraged to focus on the “Desires of Your Heart” and enjoy the path to obtain them. We believe the means does NOT justify the end. There is no end to life’s journey, only the journey, at the Center you will learn to enjoy the journey.
10. The Power of Two – Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed. For if either of them falls, the other will lift their companion and you both can enjoy a life time partnership.
The success of a relationship comes not in finding the “right” person, but in the ability of both people to adjust to the real person they have found.
We know how to do it.
Sustainable Living Center
82 Siletz Highway, Lincoln City 97367