Wilson Foedus

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since Nov 07, 2011
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Recent posts by Wilson Foedus

I will not be able to come, I have a business trip to take and I just cannot be in two places at once.

One ticket for sale $375

contact Wilson@pantryparatus.com



12 years ago
I will not be able to come, I have a business trip to take and I just cannot be in two places at once.

One ticket for sale $375

contact Wilson@pantryparatus.com



12 years ago
I will not be able to come, I have a business trip to take and I just cannot be in two places at once.

One ticket for sale $375

contact Wilson@pantryparatus.com



Ernie/Erica, I was so looking forward to seeing you guys again and to take this sure-to-be awesome class. Feel free to delete this thread next week.
12 years ago
As Promised, here is Part II of my podcast with Paul: http://pantryparatus.com/blog/podcast_paul_wheaton_2/

The question and answer is towards the end of this podcast. Thank you for your great questions!

Here is Part I of my podcast interview with Paul, Lord of the Jungle: http://pantryparatus.com/blog/podcast_paul_wheaton/

Leave a comment, let us know what you think.

Part II will post next Friday

Thank you everyone who contributed questions,

Chaya and I blog over at our website http://pantryparatus.com/blog

Today's blog just so happens to be Part I of a podcast interview with the mighty, the amazing, the glorious Paul Wheaton! http://pantryparatus.com/blog/podcast_paul_wheaton/

Our blog covers a wide spectrum of food topics (food safety, nutrition, agriculture, gardening, homesteading, nutrition, etc.) all with a nod to Permaculture.

Post a comment, let us know what you think of our time with Paul, Lord of the Jungle.

Wilson & Chaya

Pantry Paratus
Thank you everyone, I will post the link (to Part II because we went long) in a few weeks when it airs.


Saybian Morgan wrote:You could ask him to define what he thinks are the characteristics that differentiate a philosophical permaculture adopter from an ardent big black-book landscape trotting designer.
I think we don't hear enough about the different depths permaculture can take people in so many ways in their lives. I think allot of people could find themselves and see where they fit in by hearing about the different character traits that permaculture is inclusive of.


That is truly a great question! You managed to put into words something that has always been in my head.

Paul will be beamed over to Skype land for a chat this Tuesday, July 17th.

I am calling all Plotskateers, Pie lovers, Pod People and Permies to see if there are good questions out there for Paul to round out the interview.

Generally pod cast listeners would likely be the most informed and can come up with some great questions for Paul, Lord of the Jungle.

Please no one ask him about stuff that he talks about all the time.

Extra credit will be awarded to anyone who can come up with questions that make Paul laugh out loud.

Thank you,

Everyone in a while you get to do something really cool that you are exceptionally proud of.

Last week, I got to visit Polyface Farms in Swoope, VA. The Coup de Grace was actually getting to meet the man himself, Mr. Joel Salatin!

The farm is amazing and it is so exciting to get to see things that you have read about or watched on Youtube.

I blogged about it here with pictures, video and audio from the farm: http://pantryparatus.com/blog/polyface_farm/

Leave a comment if you like.

12 years ago