Hello PEP-folks,
The old Estwing hatchet was dull, like me.
So I ground the edge, resulting in a much sharper tool. Unlike me.
Because I was lazy, and doing it at a lunch break, I feathered it with a cutoff wheel which was already on the grinder, rather than swapping it out for a proper metal grinding wheel (which would be much thicker, and could tolerate pressure). However, I have cutoff wheels by the box, I can never find the big wheels in the welding jobox, and though you have to be a little lighter in your touch, the light wheels work fine.
To try it out, I split a busted scrap piece of butcher block from a kitchen
project. Splits nicely. (Here in AZ, we don't have "trees", "rounds", "firewood", or "kindling", such as I remember from my youth in the northwest. So it goes.)
Happy homesteading,