This is a badge bit (
BB) that is part of the
PEP curriculum. Completing this BB is part of getting the
wood badge in
tool care.
For this BB, you will sharpen two auger drill bits.
How to Sharpen an Auger Bit For a Brace and Bits
Video description:
"Sharpening an Auger file is fairly simple once you understand how it works. A safe file can really help you do the work quickly and simply. different auger bits will be sharpened differently but if you understand the basics you can easily see how different bits will be sharpened."
To get certified for this BB, post photos or a two minute video of:
- close up of the two dull auger drill bits
- mid-process with all sharpening equipment used for the auger drill bits
- close up of each of the edge of the two sharpened auger drill bits