Scrounge Hatfield

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since Oct 27, 2010
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Mike - mostly, I'd just like to comment on your $50 and Up Underground House book.  I bought my copy back in the late 1970s. Ordered it out of the original Mother Earth News mag for like $6.95 or so.  I've always loved your concepts and wanted to design/build a home of this type for myself someday.  It's overwhelming that almost every site on the web that has to do with (non-commercial) underground housing mentions your book.

Now, thirty some years after I bought your book I find myself pulling it off the bookshelf again and again. I own some hilly acreage in Michigan and am thinking seriously about going with your PSP style construction.  Anyway, thanks again for sharing your ideas in the book as well as answers you've provided to people in various articles and forums I've read through the years.
14 years ago