Alex Ronan

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since Aug 10, 2024
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Recent posts by Alex Ronan

Angelika Maier wrote:Tom, we have super heavy nutrient poor clay soil mixed with sand and a non-existent drainage together with a generally high water table. What I found is that the wood which is buried (I did huegel swale which was a very bad idea) did not rot.If it would create a sponge that would be great. We do charcoal also and I believe that helps.

Sounds like you are missing the organisms to break down the organic materials. Adding in compost when building the hugel might help. Also using a lot of different nitrogen fixing plants with deep rooted plants to pair nitrogen with the carbon of the trees also might help break the trees down.
1 month ago
Look at RV water tank heater pads.

They often include temperature controls to only turn on when it gets close to freezing.
1 month ago

Clay McGowen wrote:Could it be that, by filling the bootcamp, more interest in events like PTJ or even a dedicated WOFATI build event would be garnered?

It is possible (maybe likely) that depending on the size of the bootcamp that events would be needed to finish the additional structures in the next 4 years.

As you expressed, a lot of people are interested in natural building and seeing BEL post about boots building their structures would encourage more boots/SEPPers to visit to get hands on experience which they can use on their own place.
1 month ago

paul wheaton wrote:maybe the title should be "turnkey permaculture paradise for zero monies"


Depends, who are you trying to attract? I think with that title you will give a lot of people looking for something for free.

I think the better group of people to look for are the ones willing to put in the hardwork.
1 month ago
The Abbey offer is generous, but it may be easier to get people to stay if they are personally interested in the acre.

Somewhat along the lines of the old after 4 month you have an acre to play with but mixing it with this idea of an acre with a dwelling After 4 years.

After 4 months as a boot start permaculture designing an acre (with Paul so it is acceptable).
After 6 months start working on the plan.
As they grow in time in the bootcamp more time is allocated to working on the structure. For example maybe at 6 months with only 4hrs a week and after 3 years being whatever is needed for the acre to be finished.

For Paul's proposed plan, the structures for the other 4 year graduates not getting the Abbey would also need to be built with boot time, but this way they are invested in the plan and the work.
1 month ago
Maybe you can go to ARRL teachers institute next year, I doubt they will have any eye gazing.
1 month ago
I believe the chimney isn't suppose to extend into the barrel.

The hot air will be pulled up the chimney so it won't heat the top section of the barrel.
1 month ago

Stephen B. Thomas wrote:

Be careful with that leak and ensure it is fixed or you could get the cistern filling up the pump house.
2 months ago

J. Juniper wrote:Is that true Tim?  Is it a digital Art creation?

That is what rainbows look like from an airplane.
3 months ago

Jerry Brown wrote:What options do you have that don't cost an arm and a leg, don't require the strength of a 20-year-old, and maybe let me join in group activities like cooking?

There is no fee outside of the SEPPer program (your lodging, you provide your organic food). - a cot sized bunk for 2 weeks is $250.

You can join group activities as little or as much as you like.
3 months ago