Riona Abhainn

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since Nov 27, 2023
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I enjoy gardening, using my resources wisely, composting and learning more about permaculture and how to be in better harmony with Creation. My husband and I live in an apartment, so its balcony gardening for me for the foreseeable future.
I do Celtic, fantasy, folk, nature and shanty singing at Renaissance faires, fantasy festivals, pirate campouts and artisan markets in western OR and WA. I also have an antique mall booth at Mafe's Mall in Milwaukie OR. Plus I do some mental health peer support specialist work which I'm state-certified for. My husband works at the grocery store, loves his videogames and is good at cooking. He enjoys learning new skills and is what we call a "social introvert", whereas I'm pretty extraverted.
We're Christians, we love playing in the water, we camp, we're politically moderate, our marriage has a nontraditional structure, we don't fit super well into boxes. Even though we are family oriented and close with our family we are childfree by choice.
I set out to become good at gardening and permiculture pursuits, and I've made some progress and want to keep learning. Right now all of my gardening is in containers since I only have a balcony, but I'm going to do the best I can with that.
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Clackamas Oregon, USA zone 8b
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Recent posts by Riona Abhainn

One I'm guilty of using a lot, which sucks gramatical ass:

"I know right?"  This showed up in the mid 00s in my area and at first I thought it was stupid because of said gramatical rediculosity, and yet it became an obscenely common part of my vernacular speech to this day.
1 week ago
Further thoughts:
When oppertunities come your way consider how to procede, ask for advice, but be prepared to go against it if said advice doesn't add up for your situation.  Be willing to take calculated risks, sometimes risks can bring rewards, but don't do something if your gut tells you no.  When an oppertunity comes along follow it, do your research.  For me prayer also comes in during the "research and advice seeking time.  Don't let something good pass you by because you're afraid.  But conversely don't pursue something because you feel pressured to do so when you know its not right for you.

I would consider myself to be someone with "medium luck" meaning I win some and I lose some, in every way.  On the lighter side, I love raffles, so when I buy raffle tickets I tend to buy one if they're more spendy, but if they're aprox. $1 per ticket I usually choose the "six for $5" option and I don't win every time but I win often enough that said strategy has proved useful.
1 week ago
There are a few different Christian intentional communities which are currently working on forming, several threads in here about people who are at different points in the process so feel encouraged to search in here, its a fairly common desire/goal so you're cocolaborators are likely here.

May God bless you in your process and goals.
1 week ago
So I have a 1700s style corset, which, due to my bone disease, I can only wear for short periods of time and be safe/healthy.  Most people can successfully wear them all day without issue and even find benefit (though I would not advise it every day).  Anyways it goes over top, rather than underneath.  Mine was made custom many years ago by a friend and we used springwire which in my opinion is the best way to make a corset, plastic boning is lower quality and doesn't last as long and breaks etc.  Back in the day whale bone was used for a while, which of course added to the "fainting risk" because it didn't give properly like other materials do.  Mine laces up from the bottom to the top.  I don't wear it when I'm performing because singing in a corset, unless you're only singing like one song or two, is disadvised.  But for things like the big pirate ball this weekend, where I'm only going for around four or five hours and I'm not performing are the perfect time for me to wear it.
1 week ago
It makes sense for it to be a new thread.  I'm fortunate because I've never had this challenge.  My moods and self-regulation thereof have never been influenced by my monthly, and I'm so thankful because not everyone is so fortunate.
1 week ago
That takes me back.  There used to be this amazing Austrian/German/Swiss restaurant in NE Portland in my dad's neighbourhood called Reinlander/Gustov's, there was the fancy side and the chill more Americanized side and it was in a building that looked like a Bovarian castle!  Anyways they had this thing called strawberry pizza which I enjoyed.  I don't know how they did the crust, but it had strawberry slices, on creamcheese of some kind, possibly some jam, and some whipped cream, and likely other things I can't recall.  Yum!
1 week ago
I know this isn't the point of this post, but inquiring for my own knowledge:  Does that mean when we eat leftover pasta or pizza the next day that its less "carbful" than it was when we first cooked it?  That would be super cool.
Interesting!  I can't do this yet, since I'm balcony gardening, but could one catch snails to eat this way?  Or would them being already dead mean they won't work in snail soup?  Like do they need to go into the pot alive?
This gives me hope for someday figuring out the correct formula for winter gardening here.  I accidentally ended up with another lettuce experiment this year, grrrr, unintended, since last year I felt like lettuce did that  thing mentioned in the first post here about going into stasis.  But here I am again.  Hopefully next year, the other trouble was my lack of sun when I planted spinich/radishes which I intended to grow throughout winter.  But now that they finally trimmed the maple trees at my complex I'm hoping everything will grow better this year, greens sucked last year due to all that forested shade.
Summertime, hands down.  Its when I can swim/play in the water, and its when most of my faires that I perform at occur.
1 week ago