Fred Rosenberg

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since Oct 06, 2023
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I did this with a DD 2-71. I plumbed a Mercruiser transmission oil cooler in with the radiator to use it as a fuel heater, then use 2 Racor 1000’s fuel filters on the suction side of the engine driven fuel pump. 2 selector valves, one for supply, one for return. It’s a cantankerous setup, Detroit’s are finicky if there is any air in the line or system, it will die or won’t start. Start on diesel, run for about 10 mine then switch to SVO. I usually let the WVO sit in a 500 gal cubie tank for a good year, then transfer from the top of the tank, I assume the bottom is pretty nasty after settling. My Racor’s filter to 2 microns.
1 year ago