Bryant Gehring

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since Sep 15, 2023
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Recent posts by Bryant Gehring

Hello! My name is Bryant. I have a small and growing family in Corvallis. I’ve been renting my home for 8 years but have built a decent homestead here. I’ve grown deep roots in this little 5 acre plot and the community has been great to us. My wife and I were married a few houses down where my son’s homeschool group began 5 years ago.
Unfortunately, my landlord isn’t willing to sell. I thought if I built infrastructure and planted enough trees it would somehow be ours.. I guess things don’t work that way.. ha! Now as we look for homes with similar acreage in our price range we’re realizing how far away we’d have to move to afford it
I’ve never been a fan of selling myself but a few quick things about me.. I have a building business, been in construction for 15 years, raise rabbits/pigs/lamb/goats and butcher my own meat, bow hunt, help with homeschool groups(tanning and mushroom classes) commercial mushroom picker, practice biodynamics and love talking about permaculture.
Maybe this was an overshare but it was exciting to see your post. Hope to talk more soon.
11 months ago