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"Optimal" depends on your goal--and your time-frame.  Open piles without food waste aren't too prone to predation, and will compost in time, but it may take a while.  Shorter if you're willing to turn it, of course.

Given the materials you mention _excluding any weed seeds_ I'd suggest something along the lines of Interbay mulching, a technique designed to enhance soil biodiversity; it's basically sheet composting with moisture regulation and light exclusion: creating a forest floor wherever you happen to be.   

With weed seeds,  you'd have to go for hot composting, which requires about 25 gallons of mixed materials to sustain the heating reaction or some intervention (tumbling, etc.). 

...new to permaculture, and still trying to wrap my head around some of the tweaks necessary for adapting the idea of permanent/synergistic with containers that may have to be moved, but composting's familiar territory!)
14 years ago
Loquats.  Not sure it's simplicity that's the issue here, though they are--nearly care-free in our area, pest-resistant, drought-tolerant, only a small rust issue that can often be outwaited.  They're sold as ornamentals with no mention of the edible fruits on nursery cards, and a lot of the folks who grow them don't know that they can be eaten, or don't care. 

Or, perhaps, believe me.  One guy told me "If it was food, it'd be at the grocery store."  I thought about buying him the canned (product of Mexico, bottled in syrup) loquats our local chain grocery carries in its very own store brand, but...

Austin, TX

14 years ago