Jennifer Hartley

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since May 02, 2023
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Recent posts by Jennifer Hartley

John C Daley wrote:

Is there anything you would change on my floorplan?  

jennifer, but you asked for suggestions of changes!

Sorry, I meant like where things are or if I should add anything. I paid big bucks for a structural engineer to design the blueprint and can adjust it for another few. But I don't want to go smaller or do two stories. I want a home with good size rooms for my family. We have two boys who are homeschooled so they both need room for a desk and enough space for their toys. We know that this will take quite a while and have been planning for 3 years. We aren't scared of the project, just want any advice from others.
1 year ago
Hi, I have already paid quite a bit to have the plans made and don't want to change my plans. I can change bag size and look into superadobe, but I don't want to change the size or shape of my plan. We have around 20 people who will be helping and we will be hiring a roof company for the roof to be done correctly. I know it will be costly and am prepared to face that. As for the electric running into the exterior wall, my plan is to have the line come in at that coffee station and have the main breaker box at that spot. Or I may skip the coffee station if that plan doesn't work. Besides that I shouldn't need any power to an exterior wall. I will be using solar exterior lights to skip the need for power on the exterior.
1 year ago
Hi everyone. I am doing something I haven't seen done before and I want advice and opinions from everyone I can between now and when I start building. I have hired an architect and structural engineer to design the plans so that they will be approved by our local zoning department. My home will be 60' in diameter including the roof. I will be using a reciprocating roof and exposed beams. I am kind of throwing lots of ideas from yurts, earthbag homes and traditional houses together. We will be using 2"x6" lumber for the interior walls so we can have plumbing and electric ran without issue. There will be no electricity ran on the earthbag walls. I'm using solar exterior lights to eliminate the need for any electric on the exterior walls. We will be using a main post in the center to hold up the large roof. We will be using locally sourced lumber for the roof because of the size and length needed.
  Now for my main question. Is there anything you would change on my floorplan? If so, what and why? I'm also looking for insulation tips, and ideas for North Carolina's foothills. It can get up to 110°F during the summer days and as cold as 0°+/- during winter. I will be using passive solar to help with the electricity costs. My bags will be the 12" by 38" that will be filled in place so there won't be any heavy lifting. The roof will have over 2 foot overhang to help protect the walls. And we will be using stone to wrap the bottom 3 foot to help with the protection. My family members do concrete foundations, so they are helping us with digging of the plumbing lines and they will be helping us fill the bags and all that. I want to make sure that 2' deep is enough for my foundation. And what should be in the foundation trench. I know there should be gravel, but should there be sand or dirt to fill in the gaps? What size gravel should it be and what size gravel should be in the bottom bags? Also, has anyone done a natural bathtub? I want to dig out the tub and lines and not purchase a tub at all. I am imagining a tiny pool. I'm attaching an image of one I found. I really really want this but don't know how to make it happen. Any advice would be appreciated. I also want to do a shower with no actual materials. I will attach that image as well. Has anyone done this? I would appreciate any advice and information you can help me with.
1 year ago