Susan Lilley wrote:Well dear i am 46 MTF trans and just lost my homestead to divorce so i know how restarting can be . Would love to get to know you feel free to message me
Anna Williams wrote:Hello there, looks like you have an amazing set up already! Im in a situation right now that I don't the financial ability yet to buy, so I'm looking more for a barter where I can live in a homestead, in exchange for work sort of type.
Thanks for reading...happy growing and learning:)
Jeanne Wallace wrote:
Moses Taylor wrote:I came here looking for a conservative type of people mainly Christan... There's just not a lot of that here, I'm hoping to find somewhere there is homesteaders together that are really conservative and Christian...
There are definitely some conservatives and Christians here on, but not sure how many in the singles forum. From personal experience, I'd suggest Farmer's Only dating site as a space to find singles who are into homesteading and match what you are looking for! Good luck![/quote
Farmers Only is a waste of time and money. I spent 6 months on the site and found only Catfish and flakes.
I like the suggestion of attending church services and cultivating friendships with the the community you find there