Kevin Queen

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since Nov 11, 2021
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Recent posts by Kevin Queen

Mike Barkley wrote:

It's kind of crazy how people back then without any kind of internet or technology just trialed things and figured all this out.

I think it's even crazier that many people can no longer function without technology. So many useful skills have been forgotten & neglected. To keep this somewhat on topic ... just look at that stuff they call bread on the store shelves. ugh. Carl's bread looks like real bread!!!

I totally agree. That's exactly why I love to learn how things are grown and made. Not only because it fascinates me, allows me to appreciate it more, but also so I know the process in the event I want (or need) to make it myself in the future.
3 years ago

Carl Boehm wrote:

Jt Glickman wrote:That is good to know. I tried making starter from a dehydrated kit, but it flopped :/
Fortunately I was able to get some from a friend

A lot of people are selling them ... I include instructions and a video link so you can see exactly what is going on ... Also email contact
Glad you got your starter so you weren't discouraged
Included is a picture of the Pumpernickel Rye Sourdough I baked yesterday ... Enjoy the visual

This loaf looks delicious! Nice job!
3 years ago

Mike Barkley wrote:That's an interesting article. I read somewhere that back in the pioneer days when folks were traveling cross country in covered wagons that's how they kept their starter alive. They would spread it out on a towel & let it dry in the sun before they moved to their next destination. Someone still sells starter that is supposedly from those times.

It's kind of crazy how people back then without any kind of internet or technology just trialed things and figured all this out.
3 years ago

Jamin Grey wrote:

Thank you for sharing that!

I keep wanting to make sourdough, since it tastes so good, but I don't bake bread often enough to bother keeping sourdough starter alive.

You're most welcome! I have made a starter before but let it die because it was too much for me to keep it going as I didn't make bread that often. Now I know this little trick, it'll be much easier to start it back up again.
3 years ago
This is a really cool article about putting your sourdough starter on hold. I don't know why I didn't think about drying it but what a great idea.
3 years ago