Dominic Frasca

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since Aug 23, 2021
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Please know I am ignorant about making power for my home but I’m interested in learning more for the hopes to eventually build a system for my wife and myself.

My hopes are to use an alternator run by a lawn mower type engine, an inverter, and battery’s for storage.

My first question is wouldn’t a 24 volt alternator be more efficient than a 12 volt alternator?

How would I figure out how much battery storage would be required to comfortably rely on this to power my energy needs?

From what I’ve read an EFI engine would be a better choice as it would produce energy at a lower RPM than a carburetored engine, is this correct?

Also (and I have serious doubts about this question) but would a hybrid battery from a Prius work for energy storage?
3 years ago