Irene Ryan

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since Oct 29, 2020
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Sharol Tilgner thank you so much for your brilliant advice, I get etd every September for the last 10 years, it lasts for 2/3 months, I have been to ent professor and had tube grommet put in, it made no difference, I suspect it’s allergy related as my nose and eyes dry up, and I feel all blocked up, I’m getting a lot of sticky saliva in the back of my throat also, I have tried gargling With saline mouth rinse but it made no difference, only thing that helps is putting 3% hydrogen peroxide in my bad ear, I hear a lot of fizzing in that ear when I do this, it’s definitely doing something, I have just bought goldenseal and echinacea drops online, is it ok to put 2 drops in bad ear and take in mouth? Should that help? When I sent to the doctor they said my ear looked good and told me to take Flonase nasal steroid spray, that didn’t help either, I think I may be allergic to dog dander? I’m not sure I just know i only get it in September and it lasts 2/3 months and then goes away?? I have a deviated septum, but not sure that is the cause??  Thank you for your amazing advice, I hope I can get to the root of this 🙏🙏🙏🙏
4 years ago