Ok, so I do things a little differently. After looking at some of the Korean Natural Farming stuff on no smell chicken and pig keeping (where they spray Lactobacillus around amongst other things) - and after making some JADAM JMS (anerobic potato ferment with no smell) i decided to try and predigest the fruit and veg scraps with lactobacillus. Tipped everything in a bucket, added water which is non treated here and some keffir whey. Sit it behid the wood heater and it bubbles in a few days. A little citrus smell (my children love citrus) but thats it. Every few days i take it out and tip it around the orchard trees and restart. There is a lot of biodiversity in milk keffir. Tends to break down quickly (two weeks) and the micro biology love it, though it is moist here and doesn't freeze. You could use a lid with a bubbler like you'd do with edible lacto-ferments if mice exclusion was needed. I dont rinse the bucket generally, often just wash the remaining coffee grounds back to the bottom as a bit of an extra starter. Milk keffir is also worth looking into in its own right, lots of publications now on liver protection, gut and skin health amongst other things. Hope that helps.