peter wheat

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since Feb 27, 2010
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In permaculture design you sometimes come across "rule of thumb" guidelines about the quantities of certain design elements.


5-15% Water

30-50% Trees

I know Zone 5 is mandatory, but has anyone got any feelings about how much is a reasonable amount?

Thanks in advance,

10 years ago
Hi All,
      I'm almost ready to start planting some peas, and wondered if anyone had come accross any Pea Polyculture patterns? Ideally, something that would provide both support, protection and a yeild.  Any ideas welcome.

Thanks in advance.

Kind regards,

14 years ago
Thanks for the reply Bunkie.  I tried growing a small amount of hard wheat and rye last year in my garden, but processing the stuff takes an age by hand.  I've been thinking about trying some hulless oats this year, and I've also got a small amount of quinoa seed, which I hope to try.  I'd be interested in others experiences of home grown grains.
14 years ago
    Im finding food a problematic issue on my Permaculture journey.  Does anyone have any top tips on how to build a sustainable and nutritional diet?  I want to eat locally and grow most of my own food, but there are lots of conflicting issues, for example: Most vegan diets use large amounts of grains.  However many grains are not sustainable, requiring annual plowing of the earth, and significant fossel fuel inputs.  So what do you use for staples? 
How do you get your protien, carbs, vitamins and minerals from produce sympathetic to the permaculture ethos, thoughout the year?  Food forests are a great idea, but what do you do for food while you are waiting for them to mature?

Thanks in advance.  Kind regards,  Pete.
14 years ago