Michelle Ponder

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since Jan 27, 2017
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Recent posts by Michelle Ponder

I just found the pdc daily schedule that is listed below all the instructors for the pdc on the richsoil site. That answers my question. I may have a few more for Daniel...
7 years ago
Hello Paul and Jocelyn,
This is Michelle; my husband is Cliff Ponder, whom you have been emailing about the gapper program.  

Daniel, I believe we are one of the families referred to that is planning on being at Wheaton labs during the pdc and atc. I am interested in providing childcare. My boys are ages 9, 7, and 4. I have always been at home with them and I feel I can handle caring for another 4 yr old and 6 month old.

Paul stated,

If somebody wants to take on this business angle, now is the time to speak up and name your rates.

Paul, can you help me get a sense of what the daily time commitment might be? 8am - 5pm? Or, a few hours here and a few hours there? I understand the two programs are a total of four weeks.
7 years ago